FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal Archives with Lora Cheadle
On Air Life Choreography Session with Christy About Divorce
07-20-16 On Air Life Choreography Session with Christy About Divorce Domestic Violence is tough to talk about. Unfortunately, it's so prevalent that it will touch almost all of our lives in one way or the other. This week's guest is a beautiful soul who instead...
On Air Life Choreography Session with Kristine Dealing with Divorce
07-13-16 On Air Life Choreography Session with Kristine Dealing with Divorce We are continuing our Five-week series of live Life Choreography sessions, where each session focuses on a different aspect of FLAUNT! We had Dani, who learned to Accept Unconditionally, we...
On Air Life Choreography Session with Dani Accepting Unconditionally
07-06-16 On Air Life Choreography Session with Dani Accepting Unconditionally Accepting Unconditionally, which means having the ability to look at things as they truly are, not as we wish they were. It is only from a place of Unconditional Acceptance that we are...
On Air Life Choreography Session with Kathy Navigating the Negativity
06-29-16 On Air Life Choreography Session with Kathy Navigating the Negativity Lora Cheadle is conducting an on air Life Choreography Session with Kathy, who has been struggling with Navigating the Negativity from her first family. Whenever we Re-Choreograph any...
Get to Know Your Host, Lora Cheadle, Life Choreographer at Pyramid Fusion
06-22-16 Get to Know Your Host, Lora Cheadle, Life Choreographer at Pyramid Fusion Lora Cheadle is Life Choreographer at Pyramid Fusion, learn what it means to FLAUNT! and what you can expect to get from this radio show. Lora has a thriving practice as a Life...
Leslie Kane, Elephant Researcher and Activist
06-15-16 Leslie Kane, Elephant Researcher and Activist Leslie Kane’s Elephant Work History: 1) Attending the Global Marches for Elephants Denver State Capitol building the first Saturday in October 2) Worked in Ethological Research with Stanford University’s...
World of Harmony Music with Debbie Center
06-08-16 World of Harmony Music with Debbie Center Imagine...Your tiny child, having enough self confidence to climb up on stage in front of a huge audience, being excited about his ability to perform a beautiful piece of music for the crowd, and already being...
A Time For Change Hypnotherapy with Lynda Pulford, Hypnotherapist
06-01-16 A Time For Change Hypnotherapy with Lynda Pulford, Hypnotherapist Guest Lynda Pulford, hypnotherapist at A Time For Change Hypnotherapy. She’s a former police officer who worked with Lora in order to uncover her passion for helping people. She is now a...