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Lora_Debbie Center06-08-16   World of Harmony Music with Debbie Center
Imagine…Your tiny child, having enough self confidence to climb up on stage in front of a huge audience, being excited about his ability to perform a beautiful piece of music for the crowd, and already being recognized for his OWN achievement!

Imagine…Your child making a video recording of his musical performances, which we can upload to YouTube for you, to share with friends and family around the world.

Imagine… Your child laughing hysterically at the silliness in our classes, not even realizing he’s learning geography, math, music, foreign languages, science, and more! He’ll have a great time singing great music, learning to play by ear, learning how to read music, improving fine motor skills, increasing his attention span, building confidence, learning compassion, making new friends, and so much more!

Debbie Center, the creator of this amazing program, is a professional pianist and private piano instructor living in Nevis, Minnesota. If you can imagine your child doing all these things and more.

World of Harmony Music is a weekly class in which you and your child will sing words which Debbie has written, set to many pieces of classical music, as well as familiar songs in several foreign languages! Classical music, so important in serious musical training, becomes so much fun and easy to remember when you learn to sing words about the composers’ lives and the funny things that happened to them. What’s more, foreign languages and cultures are much more exciting and easily retained when you discover them through music!

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