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PFusion Logo08-03-16   On Air Life Choreography Session with Quin about Body Image

Body image. It’s something women deal with almost daily from the time they are young. We are confronted with edited photographs of women in magazines that we are told we should live up to. We are fat-shamed and thin-shamed, we are told what to wear and what we should cover up and what we should show off. We are judged b our size and not by our compassion, intellect or friendliness. We even sometimes fail to pursue our passions because of how we perceive our body to look. Now is the time to stop the insanity, reclaim our own bodies and confront the madness of eating disorders and body image.

In this show Lora and Quin talk about body image, eating disorders, perception, health and wellness and how they impact us as women and what we can do to heal our wounds surrounding our won bodies.  It’s time we got comfortable in our own skin, and FLAUNT! will help us do just that!

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