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lora_amie09-21-16  Infertility, IVF and Freezing Eggs for Fertility Later in Life

There are many reasons beyond infertility that women might choose to harvest and freeze her own eggs. This show explores infertility, endometriosis and how the peak years of a women’s fertility don’t always coincide with the best years to actually bear and raise children. Career, illness, relationships, finances, the pursuit of education and many other factors often time leave women feeling stressed, saddened or conflicted about how to balance it all before their biological clock runs out of time.

We are fortunate enough to live at a time where things like IVF and egg freezing are relatively simple options that are available to most women as a means of “Freezing Time.”

Amie Mangola, a Los Angeles native, spent the last 12 years pursuing her passion of country music in Nashville, TN. With a hectic travel schedule including songwriting, recording and live shows, her personal life and creating a family took a backseat. But time waits for no woman! “I didn’t realize how much we women lose some of our fertility in our mid-thirties until I talked about it one day with my doctor. With me possibly having endometriosis, I wondered what my fertility would be like as the years went on…It wasn’t the right time to start a family but I knew I wanted children one day.

This is what lead me to a very reputable fertility clinic in my area, Fertility & Surgical Associates of CA, and where I learned more about why freezing eggs can be very beneficial, like a gift to my future self!”

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