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Artist & Musician Mariam Massaro

11148748_883802525024371_7728733960728335794_nMariam Massaro is a dynamic visionary singer/songwriter and ceremonial medicine healer, who passionately expresses messages of love and inspiration, through her unique evocative, rock style music and flamboyant theatrical performances. Her powerful songs encourage humanity to nurture Mother Earth (Gaea Star), to be happy and to discover your own power and radiant light within. Mariam channels spiritual messages and songs from her twin flame, Ashento, an ascended master and is currently co-writing  The Teachings of Ashento with him. The following is a message from Ashento. “As a messenger of spirit, be the hands, the voice, the touch, the example of love to shine, to reflect the deep abiding love that flows eternally from one’s spirit into life, to heal and spread love even more. To enlarge the capacity for revealing love at all times are to walk the path of the peaceful messenger.” She wrote and is currently filming the Gaea Star Crystal screenplay with Ashento’s celestial guidance. Her first CD, released in 2009, “Gaea Star Crystal -Awakening The Tribes Of Light ” is a uplifting collection of songs for the movie soundtrack. Her second CD, “Gaea Star Goddesses”, recorded in her own studio, was released on 11/11/11. We also have released professional CD’s, seven now as of Dec 2015 The most recent is Who We Are, a compilation of tracks from the radio shows of the past year now produced on Applehead / Sony records.

Mariam is the founder of WiseWays Herbals, internationally distributed, now celebrating 25 years of creating natural herbal products for well-being at her home, Singing Brook Farm, in Massachusetts where she plays music and loves to walk with her llamas and cats in the beauty of nature.


What is your musical specialty?

My music is an eclectic creation of inspired at the moment melodies that praise creation, the beauty of nature and my journey of self-discovery as well as singing about current events that strike a deep passion within. I am always hearing and seeing and feeling the essence of spirit and the power of life in so many ways, through dreams, people, animals and just the peaceful serenity of my country life. Every moment is a song of harmony to me and a blessing to celebrate.

When did you begin making music? Who introduced you?

I always sang as a little girl and loved to sing my sister to sleep as we always shared rooms. I was in the chorus and musicals in schools and continued on with singing. I learned the guitar when I was 18 and taught myself how to play it right handed although I am left-handed. I knew that was going to be a difficult road unless I did. It was not until I moved to my current home, the Singing Brook herb farm in 1992 that I actively pursued playing and singing for performing. It took courage to be able to sing my spiritual songs in public. Every moment I can I try to create and sing; now it is a daily event.  I live near the lovely Singing Brook so I can always find the inspiration. Eventually I became a medicine ceremonial healer having studied with Native healers from North and South America for over 10 years. I traveled to South Americas many times and worked with sacred herbal tradition that helped to open my heart and mind even deeper to the essence of creativity. Spirit is who introduced me to the melody of life.

I formed different bands with women at first as I continued to learn how to play and sing better.  My new partner in 2007 Dameron Midgett  and I loved to play together and he helped to create our first cd recorded with Brian Johnson , The Gaea Star  the screenplay for. Dameron and I created the costumes and went ahead and filmed the story right here in Western Mass and even went to Italy and Peru to do some of the filming there. We still have to finish it and I hope to bring it out to the world very soon.  Diana Noble and I also worked to gather as the Blue Star sisters and she and I created many Goddess related shows. Eventually I created the Gaea Star Goddess show based on many of the inspirations I received throughout my life.

I met Bob Sherwood when he came to work for Wiseways herbals here as a IT person. We hit it off musically right away and loved where we could go together. We recorded one song with Diana and I and it was so good and fun to do that we came together to keep on going as a band, The Gaea Star Band to perform in the Gaea Star Goddess show in 2011. We started with Dreamvisions in Jan of 2012 and have been going ever since playing every Monday in my studio. Many players have come and gone but Bob, Dameron and Craig Harris are still with me.  Right now we are the ones still playing as the core, with guests quite often.

Do you work alone or in a group? If in a group, whom are the others you have worked with?

I love to play alone and with others. We think of ourselves as a improvisational band that has been steadily improving on where we can take the new songs too. Most of the time we just hit the record button and go for it with no rehearsing. It is quite magical what we can create now in 2015 after all the years of playing together. I stopped the Gaea Star Show last year as I decided to focus on the new building I bought a few years ago to develop it into a performing arts music venue., the Singing Brook performing arts lodge in West Cummington, MA I still love to play and do the Goddess songs but we are so much more as well.

whowearePlease list any awards or other acknowledgments you would like to mention.

We have done almost 196 shows since the beginning that means we have that many CD’s. We also have released professional CD’s, seven now as of Dec 2015.  Each one is my original music. The first one was with Dameron, and the 2 through the 6th was with Dameron and other musicians and Bob as the producer and piano player. The most recent is Who We Are, a compilation of tracks from the radio shows of the past year now produced on Applehead / Sony records.

In 2012 we went to Hollywood to receive the Best Trailer award for the trailer we created from the Gaea Star Crystal, Awakening the tribes of light film. We are still in the process of completing it. I am now recording it as an audio book to bring the story to life that way.

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