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Dick Larson12-01-22 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Dick Larson will discuss the biggest event taking place in the world—the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher to help mankind to once again remember who they are and how they can end this time of trauma for the world which is in the throes of a world pandemic, struggling economies and people separated from each other and the wholesome life enhancing universal values of cooperation and sharing. Dick will tell us about Maitreya the World Teacher who has returned to show humanity the way. Sharing with us also, interesting insights into the work of Maitreya history and his group known as the Masters of Wisdom, equally divine and perfected Men, who have likewise returned to the everyday world to help humanity in the great changes and challenges facing mankind right now. We will discuss the group who has come with him known as the Masters of Wisdom and why they are working to help humanity to express oneness, achieve unity (in diversity) and equilibrium finding the transition point from upheaval and turmoil to cooperation and sharing which is a set of priorities Maitreya has to rebalance society and our planet. Maitreya’s advice will bring humanity to a simple choice.

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