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loveofhorses-200x300Have you ever wondered what your animals are thinking? Have you wanted to find a way to communicate and connect with them to improve their health and behavior, and your relationship with them? Heather Green learned early in life that she could sense what the people around her were thinking, feeling, and experiencing. This led her into the healing professions; first a nurse, and later a counselor. But something always seemed to be missing. Then the horses came. And all the pieces fell into place. For the Love of Horses is a book for horse people, animal and nature lovers, healers, counselors, and those on a path of healing and spiritual transformation. Riders will learn how to enhance their partnership with their horses, healers will gain a new view of what it means to be there for their clients, people with wounds they never thought could mend will find hope.

We’ll be drawing a name from our Newsletter Email List January 31, 2014 To be in the monthly drawings with a new Book Promotion each month join or go on Book Page

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is a Holistic Boston based syndicated Internet Radio Station with ten radio station affiliates both Terrestrial and Internet. The mission of the Station is to facilitate the enlightenment of humankind by providing a platform for holistic and healing programs that educate listeners bringing them conscious awareness of their inner light so that ever growing numbers of people may learn to live with joy, love, peace and ease. We reach local, national and international audiences with listeners in over 135 countries

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