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Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is thrilled to have Dr Lorraine Hurley join their team of amazing shows! Uncommon Awareness debuts September 8th Monday at 11am & 11pmEST. Simply Click Listen Live or direct link:  iPhones -go to and Click Listen Live-keep us on your phone!

Lorraine-photo 2The Show: Uncommon Awareness with Talk Host Lorraine Hurley M.D. points us in a new direction by providing endless varieties of fascinating and accurate scientific evidence of the power of our souls, and about the coming paradigm shift towards the advancement of mankind through an impressive collection of broad-based, topic related daily guest experts. Continually providing daily truth that our universe is both physical and the non-physical—and because of that our potential is truly without limit! Dr. Hurley gets to the very heart of health and healing because the ‘”power of the unseen’ shall become known.

Dr. Lorraine’s First Show: Guest David Wilcock, A hidden architecture within time, guiding people through a system of enlightenment is what David Wilcock’s newest book “The Synchronicity Key” reveals. It is an excellent compendium of his life’s work of discerning the true nature of reality.

About Dr. Hurley: Dr. Lorraine Hurley received her medical degree from Boston University School of Medicine in 1997. She completed residency in family practice in 2000 and worked as a family physician for 2 years before certifying in nutritional, alternative and energetic modalities of health care.
Her own passion for learning and deep desire for spiritual actualization led her to develop educational curriculum that promoted and supported self healing and optimal potential for living. She has worked full time as an environmental and truth activist in recent years and is sharing what she and others understand to be the reality behind the veil of our current matrix.
She hosts radio programs with an intention towards greater comprehension of our world, needs and nature, writes, speaks, teaches and attends to the need for joyous expression in our everyday lives by seeking her own joy and any and all avenues to share it.

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