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soul-on-air-new-smallDreamvisions 7 Radio Network and Deborah Beauvais are ecstatic to announce the debut of S.O.U.L. on Air with Evan Hirsch & Kip Baldwin to start Sunday September 25th at 7pmET when D7RN is live at 1510am WMEX Boston. Listen Here:  And Every 4th Sunday 7pmEST when Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is at 1510am WMEX Boston

Broadcasts Weekly Thursday 10am & 10pmET: Starting September 29th
Listen Here:  or Google Play & Apple Apps

S.O.U.L.’s mission is: sharing information and resources to accelerate humanity’s shift into the Love Paradigm by giving hope, inspiring action, and manifesting change.

At S.O.U.L., we endeavor to produce content that empowers people and motivates participation in creating a world whose primary motive is nurturing life. We believe that using imagination and shared vision, we can combine our human ingenuity and the technology we create – along with our physical efforts and spiritual awakening – to organize the logistics of collaboration to accomplish this. We feel that the more voices that help inspire and guide the collective spirit of humanity towards this transformational shift the better. Come visit us online at, sign up for our mailing list, and get inspired to go out and take action.

Everything on our show is intended to uplift, inspire, and unify. We are all connected; one Love. This is our story to write; let’s make it a Love story.


harold-becker-and-john-goltz-august-2015-dscn0647aThe LOVE Foundation is…
It may be easy to look around our world today and see the appearance of chaos, difficulty and strife. Yet, when we come from an open heart, we can also see our opportunity to love all things into balance, joy, harmony and peace. This planet does not need more visions of desperation, separation, fear, doubt, and hate – it requires an abundance of love, especially unconditional love, to heal and restore the beauty contained in every moment. This becomes the easier path once we take the first step and begin to share our love.

jamie-jeanDr. Jamie Turndorf is…
Known to millions as “Dr. Love,” having founded, the web’s first relationship advice site since 1995, Dr. Jamie Turndorf has been seen on numerous TV shows and is the “go to” relationship expert on CNN, CBS, VHI, WebMD and MSNBC. She has been delighting audiences for three decades with her engaging blend of professional expertise, spicy humor and remarkable ability to turn clinical psychobabble into easy-to-understand concepts that transform lives.

jennifer%2bhillman_2Jennifer Hillman is…
A born educator, counselor and psychic adviser, Jen Hillman recognized her calling while attending an elementary school where she overcame a speech and learning disability (dyslexia). She then committed herself to teach others that they too have the power to do the same.


A walking commercial for everything about which he speaks, Evan Hirsch has always gravitated toward the positive in life. Discovering interesting facets of culture and our natural world – a curiosity initially piqued as a child by the influence of his mother – has been a favorite past time; and in the tradition of her community college teaching, Loves to share the insights gained with an interested audience. Through his passion-for-life and infectious energy, you’ll hear him talking about things intended to elicit an upbeat reaction.

Kip Baldwin is a cosmic consciousness pioneer exploring the absolute truth of LOVE and Infinity, whose passion and purpose is to share his rememberings to awaken society to the new age/era/paradigm emerging.  Using multiple media platforms to broadcast his activist storytelling, he has connected with millions of people around the world.

Mr. Baldwin’s latest project S.O.U.L. (which he has co-founded with visionary philanthropist Evan Hirsch) takes the work he began almost a decade ago with the Just LOVE Movement and expands it to Infinity.

S.O.U.L. reminder; NOW SHARE LOVE!!!
Follow S.O.U.L. on social media for inspiration:
Facebook: #nowsharelove
Twitter: @nowsharelove
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