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Bernie608WE ARE WATER AND SPIRIT by Bernie Siegel, MD
you can look into a mirror and see your image
water reflects your image too
but unlike a mirror you must get close to the water and yourself to see the reflection
and you and the water must be still and untroubled by outside forces
and just as water may exist as a liquid, solid or vapor
you can undergo continual transformation too
depending on your state of consciousness
you can choose to close your heart
and become hard and cold as ice
or become sparkling diamonds on the branches of the tree of life
or protect and guard the life which exists beneath the surface
for it is only when we are willing to go beneath the surface
into the stillness and depth of our being that we truly find ourselves
and create the authentic path our stream should follow
as a stream of water flows over and around stones making beautiful sounds
your blood stream can flow over obstacles, become as destructive as a tsunami
or choose to vaporize and rise above life’s difficulties
ready to fall back, when needed,
as gentle rain softening the soil of life
one day every blood stream will find its way to the endless sea of life
where you will be reborn as white crystals
which descend slowly and gently onto the frozen ground
when the world experiences a drought of love  
forming a blank canvas upon which the world can now create a work of art
Tao Te Ching
nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible, nothing can surpass it. the soft overcomes the hard; the gentle overcomes the rigid, everyone knows this is true, but few can put it into practice.
Dr Bernie Siegel and his Mind Health Matters Radio Show can be heard on syndicated Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Wednesday through Friday at 12am & 12pmET.. LISTEN:   and every 1st Sunday at 8pmET when Dreamvisions 7 Radio is at 1510am WMEX Boston. Learn more about Dr Bernie Here:
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