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universal_soul_love-banner-cDreamvisons 7 Radio Network & Deborah Beauvais are super jubilant as they  announce Universal Soul Love to debut Tuesday August 4th at 1pm & 1am EST..and every Tuesday at this time. Hailing from beautiful Australia Hosts Dr Lana Love & Detective David Lubimoff [David Love] will focus on raising Global Consciousness on a number of levels. Listen Here:

Universal Soul Love

Our Internet talk radio show will discuss issues that involve consciously creating the New Earth Paradigm.  The purpose of this show is to raise the Global Conscious in the following areas:– Increasing spiritual awareness and personal growth
– Exploring the mysteries of the hidden universe
– Protecting the environment and our natural resources
– Developing self-sustainable living communities
– Empowering people to reclaim their personal power
– Reunification of the Divine Feminine Essence and the Sacred Masculine Source
– Maintaining healthy romantic partnerships
– Promoting universal soul love

david_and_lana_loveDr Lana Love is a registered Australian medical doctor and psychotherapist.  She has worked in public hospitals and private practice helping people recover from severe mental and emotional issues for more than sixteen years. Dr Lana has a background in Buddhism and mysticism.  She is also a social activist and animal rights advocate.  Dr Lana has a special interest in raising the conscious vibration of humanity to a higher level.

David Love is a Rosicrucian, Spiritualist, career private detective, minister, pre-marital counselor, Board Certified Hypnotist, advanced past-life regressionist therapist, and Reiki healer. He writes and speaks extensively on applying ancient mystical philosophy as means for personal growth and development. David’s current focus is on empowering people to develop effective personal success strategies. He has written over ninety Internet articles on metaphysical, philosophical, and spiritual topics, along with dozens of guest media appearances. He is the author of The First Truth: A Book of Metaphysical Theories and Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle. He has also co-authored a chapter for best-selling series the Adventures in Manifesting Series: Soulful Relationships (with Lynn Rose and Bob Doyle). He is also a past article contributor to the Sedona Journal of Emergence.

lynn-rose-color1First Show: Guest Lynn Rose

Actress, singer, performer, and motival coach Lynn Rose has been touted, “The Voice Of Transformation.” She is a multi-faceted Singer/Songwriter, who also has made her mark as a Host for TV and Radio. She started out having starred in a National Broadway show and from there, appeared in TV and Film including, ‘General Hospital’, ‘Talk Soup’, a CBS TV Movie, Hosting for ESPN, a Disney Film and more.

As a Headliner, Lynn has toured all around the world having opened for Sheryl Crow, Jay Leno and Kenny Loggins and many more. She even sang at The Super Bowl 2003. Her passion and her purpose is to connect people to their hearts and help empower them thus, Lynn is also a Motivational Speaker.

Her music is dearest to her heart as her vision is to combine the world of Personal Growth within Music and Entertainment. In line with that vision she has released her most recent CD, “Simply The Best – Music To Motivate, Inspire and Connect You To Your Heart” and is currently in progress with a joint venture project of aligning the LEADERS in Personal Growth (such as Marianne Williamson and Wayne Dyer) and with music put to their concepts, along with a TV show along similar lines that is in first stage development.

For in depth information go to Dr Lana & David Love’s DV7 Page:

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