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Lora Cheadle06-03-20 How to Find the Courage and Bravery to Let Go of Self-Judgment, Break Out of the Need to Please, and Live Your Life, Your Way!

When we practice the five steps of FLAUNT! every day, we develop Naked Self-Worth. Naked Self-Worth® is the ability to value yourself for who you are now, not who you think you should be. FLAUNT! stands for find your fetish, laugh out loud, accept unconditionally, navigate the negative, and trust in your truth. Having the courage to listen to your own heart, to trust your own truth, sets you free! Free from worry, free from crumpling over the judgment of others, free from that mean-girl voice in your own head, telling you that you aren’t good enough. Developing Naked Self-Worth means that you no longer waste time, energy, or effort in proving your worth. You are free to stop doing, and start being, because you know that who you are, is more than enough.

And when you are free, you find uninhibited joy everyday!

Courage and bravery are different things, and they can manifest in ways small and large. Unless we have the courage to do things that scare us, that open us up to judgment or to failure, we will never grow. All growth requires discomfort, courage, and moments of fear and failure. It’s important to be brave. It’s important to be courageous. And it’s important to honor ourselves when we move boldly into doing what’s right, even when (especially when) it’s difficult to do so.

Download your Bundle of JOY gift pack, designed to help you tap into your smart, sexy, and spiritual self today at It’s got a:

  • Lap dance video tutorial that’s designed to get YOU back in touch with YOURSELF,
  • Downloadable Hypnosis MP3, Create One Positive Habit that helps you take control of your habits, instead of having them take control of you, AND
  • Worksheet on Increasing Your Intuition with simple, everyday steps.
  • So, before we go further, hop on over to and get your Bundle of Joy today!

Please enjoy my Elephant Journal Article, there or on my blog, about bodies, the fact that nudity is not sexual, and how our sanitized and photo shopped world we have lost touch with our bodies and ourselves

Sign up for Lora’s newsletter at and receive the free ebook, “15 Ways to FLAUNT! Today”

Still want more? Of course you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Listeners receive Lora’s downloadable meditation, Finding Your Passion & Purpose, which is specifically designed to target the subconscious portion of the brain, to create fast, effective and fun changes, FREE, simply for being listeners! Click Here to Download.

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