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Aging Boldly: Jeannie Ralston

04-09-21 Aging Boldly: Jeannie Ralston Aging is a fact of life. Aging boldly is a state of mind. NextTribe is a lifestyle network for smart, engaged women over 45. NextTribe’s mission is to inform, promote, and connect women of this age. Now women in their...

Bliss Brain: Dawson Church

03-26-21 Bliss Brain: Dawson Church Neuroplasticity is the law of the brain. Neuroplasticity means that what you do with your brain can actually produce changes in its structure. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are creating neural pathways in your brain by...

Big Miracles: Joanna Garzilli

03-19-21 Big Miracles: Joanna Garzilli The 11 Spiritual Rules of Big Miracles will teach you exactly how to make huge positive changes in your life and replace anxiety with tranquility, self-doubt with self-acceptance, and insecurity with certainty about your life...

Manifesting Love: Jean Adrienne

03-12-21 Manifesting Love: Jean Adrienne The time is now for the divine feminine to return to her place of honor on our planet and in the Universe. For over five thousand years, she’s been pushed to the background to allow the divine masculine to find his personal...
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