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09-21-20 Every time YOU EAT or DRINK… you are either FEEDING DISEASE… or BUILDING IMMUNITY!

We have a Rare Moment on this week’s show when Adam’t Gardener …Visionary and Creator of The Human Accelerator™…with two books now in print…  Shares with us his Experience of the Bad News with refined white sugar as we all move forward into October, November & December … Also in this current COVID19 Situation, Adam’t Shares the Simple Science and the Good News of LIVING A LIFE FREE OF SICKNESS AND DISEASE. Adam’t has lived this lifestyle for over 30 years while Debara has been 100% organically grown, 100% Plant Based for almost 20 years. This is a show of Hope, a way of life that is different from the Standard American Diet and at the end of the show Debara Share’s a fun Healthy treat…a family recipe Adam’t shared with her years ago, when she invited over 60 friends to her home for the holidays.

Walnut Truffles Treat

Ingredients: Pitted dates 1 1/2 Cup ~ Walnuts 1 1/2 Cup ~ finely chopped Coconut ~ 1 Cup~ 1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract

We sometimes add so Powdered Cocoa ~ to your taste or liking, 4 Tbsp Cocoa
(which is the dried and fully fermented seed of Theobroma cacao, from which cocoa solids (a mixture of nonfat substances) and cocoa butter (the fat) can be extracted)

We mix them up with are hands … Fun for kids and family … You might like to make two batches … because You can eat them as soon as you’ve made them, but with this blend, popping them into the fridge for a few hours … ENJOY with Halloween an the coming & Holidays
Video with Instructions

SOMETHING FUN FOR KIDS, family fun time …

There are so many great Organic Plant recipes with lots of Natural Healing idea’s  

Debara The Second Genesis Awakenings ~ Pinterest

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