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04-03-23 How to Design and Build Yourself a Food Forest
Guest Graham Towerton, Design Team Leader, Food Forest Abundance

A well-designed permaculture food forest incorporates multiple layers of edible plants, including fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, vines, rhizomes, mushrooms, and perennial vegetables. This episode focuses on the food forest design, planning and installation process. Food forest designs are fully customized to each client’s climate, planting zone, topography and space, as well as to the client’s functionality, culinary and aesthetic desires.

Graham TowertonWith 34 years experience as a chemical engineer and over 40 years of gardening and small farm experience, in Australia and the US, Graham Towerton recently retired to become a full-time permaculture designer and installer. For Towerton, a full-time permaculture consultancy was a logical second career; he is practical, knowledgeable and passionate about food forest gardening. He obtained his certification as a Permaculture Design Consultant from Geoff Lawton’s Discover Permaculture school in October, 2021, and then he joined Food Forest Abundance as a designer in January, 2022. Having completed over 30 designs individually and a dozen more as collaborations, Towerton is now one of two global design team leaders for Food Forest Abundance. He provides sage advice as he leads listeners through the steps of the entire process.


Purchase a Food Forest Design and work with a certified permaculture designer to start the design process –

Learn more through Graham Towerton’s Permaculture Adventures Linktree Page which has links to his social media pages and FFA blog articles –

Read Wendy’s Food Forest Article –

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