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James-Kids4love05-10-15  10 yr. Old James Hicks, advocate for Beagle Freedom Project got involved with Beagle Freedom Project after seeing one of their first videos. He’s against animal testing, so he donated his saved up allowance to give to BFP, and got his mom to buy only cruelty-free products.  He has two beagles, Buster and Scooter, who he loves very much.

Beagle Freedom Project began in December 2010 when Shannon Keith received information that beagles who were used for animal experiments in a research lab were to be given a chance at freedom. Our mission is rescuing and finding homes for beagles used in laboratory research. Beagles are the most popular breed for lab use because of their friendly, docile, trusting, forgiving, people-pleasing personalities. The research industry says they adapt well to living in a cage, and are inexpensive to feed. Research beagles are usually obtained directly from commercial breeders who specifically breed dogs to sell to scientific institutions.

small shoesCamille Licate, Actor, Author and Advocate for positive change

The author of the book, Small Shoes and Founder of Kids for Positive Change, Camille Licate applies her knowledge, insights and personal experiences to encourage kids, via motivational speaking and enrichments programs, to take action on local, national and global issue impacting our world.  Currently Camille is in pre-production for her kid’s show, which will showcase kids that are doing extraordinary things to help the world.  She is also writing an animated children’s screenplay, Fish Into Water, that teaches kids that it doesn’t matter how you look but what you do that counts.  And, Camille is also currently performing in a musical, Loopholes, at the Hudson Mainstage Theatre in Hollywood, California.  Learn more at:

Kids for Positive Change strives to reach, teach, and encourage kids to address and take action on local, national, and global issues that are impacting their world and future generations.  Founder, Camille Licate, believes every child has a bright idea that can light the world!  Fun and innovation go hand in hand, as kids participate in interactive motivational and enrichment programs, that focus on raising self-esteem, promoting creativity, and raising awareness about environmental and social issues.  Kids are schooled on a particular issue, choose a platform to voice their opinions, share their ideas, and implement solutions for positive change.

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