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04-22-19 Balancing Body, Mind and Spirit

Once again, Dr. Judy’s sister, Sally Morgan, PT, CST, renowned specialist in holistic physical therapy for pets, will guest host the Naturally Healthy Pets radio show this week.  Sally is a pioneer in Craniosacral therapy for animals, an advanced Tellington TTouch practitioner, Reiki master, Vibrational healer, manual therapy expert and bestselling author of Dances of the Heart–Connecting With Animals and the accompanying Animal Connection cards. She travels to teach and lives in Massachusetts with her corgi Trystan. Visit her at, on Facebook at Sally Morgan PT CST, and on YouTube at Conversations With A Corgi.

Helena BreskThis week, Sally will bid her fond farewell to the Naturally Healthy Pets listening audience with friend and colleague, Helena Bresk, joining her from her home in California.  Helena is a seeker of truth in preventing and healing body imbalances, and for over 30 years has been a healer for animals and people.  While she was a student in Animal Science and Pre-Vet at Cal Poly state university, Helena developed an interest in and passion for natural health and healing. In the years after graduating, her own health challenges led her to believe a healthy body and mind require balance in all areas: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.  With this in mind, Helena’s massage and healing techniques include therapies that balance and replenish the Body, Mind and Spirit.  As a Massage Therapist, Tellington TTouch practicioner, Neuro Kinesiological Release practicioner, Reiki Master and Craniosacral Therapist, she brings many tools to the table for changing and enhancing the quality of life for all beings.  Since Helena has met many of the guests Sally has hosted over the past year, her insights and broad background will add valuable information to reinforce the importance of holistic healing for animals.  So tune in as these two friends recount stories about the amazing guests Sally has showcased during her segment as well as Helena’s own experiences with elephants in Thailand.  This is truly a show you won’t want to miss!

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