Awakening to True Happiness Archives with David Hoffmeister
How to Fully Say Yes to Whatever Is Given by David Hoffmeister
08-08-23 How to Fully Say Yes to Whatever Is Given by David Hoffmeister In this talk David discusses saying "yes" to whatever is given in order to achieve spiritual awakening. David introduces a movie called "Yes Man," which encapsulates the journey from a closed...
David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery
07-26-23 David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery In this talk from Living Miracles Monastery in Utah, USA, David Hoffmeister reflects on the purpose of the world and poses the question of what the ultimate purpose or end game is. He mentions how movies...
The Only Way Out is The Only Way In – David Hoffmeister, Lisa Fair, and Frances Xu meet the interns at La Casa De Milagros
07-12-23 The Only Way Out is The Only Way In - David Hoffmeister, Lisa Fair, and Frances Xu meet the interns at La Casa De Milagros In this first Wednesday gathering, David Hoffmeister and the participants discuss the journey of spiritual awakening and the importance...
Faith to see the Christ in everyone with David Hoffmeister
06-28-23 Faith to see the Christ in everyone with David Hoffmeister The Course in Miracles is a profound teaching that helps individuals connect with their inner teacher and release all dependencies from the world. It is a tool that allows individuals to come into...
How to Focus Your Mind on God Every Second – Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
05-31-23 How to Focus Your Mind on God Every Second - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister Description: David's Commentary How to Focus Your Mind on God Every Second emphasizes the importance of being constantly focused on God and submerged in His love and presence....
How to Accept Your Brothers as They Are
05-17-23 How to Accept Your Brothers as They Are by David Hoffmeister David discusses the concept that daily life is a projection of our beliefs and emotions, created by the ego as a distraction from Truth. He emphasizes the need to accept our brothers and the world...
Father, What Is Your Will for Me?
05-03-23 Father, What Is Your Will for Me? with David Hoffmeister In this movie workshop, David discusses the themes of singularity, yielding to God's will, and letting go of the ego's beliefs about separation. He encourages listeners to trust the Holy Spirit and...
“Rise Into Joy” Easter Talk by David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu
04-19-23 "Rise Into Joy” Easter Talk by David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu It's Holy Week and Good Friday, and David and Frances open the Heart of Christ Easter Retreat by emphasizing the importance of focusing on the correction of error and not the error itself. They...
Being okay with not knowing what’s coming “Next”-I know you’ve got me! with David Hoffmeister
04-05-23 Being okay with not knowing what's coming "Next"-I know you've got me! with David Hoffmeister The theme of being okay with not knowing what's coming next and trusting that someone has your back is powerful and comforting. It speaks to the idea of surrendering...
Finding Out There Is No World by David Hoffmeister
03-22-23 Finding Out There Is No World by David Hoffmeister David discusses the concept of being born again in spirit, which involves being fully present and giving up the belief in the horizontal plane. He explains that true forgiveness involves overlooking the...
Jesus Can Do It Through You! with David Hoffmeister
03-08-23 Jesus Can Do It Through You! with David Hoffmeister Going from "I can do it” to “You do it through me". Do you see the difference there? We were taught when we were growing up, just believe in yourself. Believe you can do it. You can do it. Now. We tried on...
Knowing the Path is Already Laid Out for You with David Hoffmeister
02-22-23 Knowing the Path is Already Laid Out for You with David Hoffmeister I remember at the end of the millennium; I had this strong feeling that we were ready to wake up. The Truman Show came in 1998, and then we had the 13th floor, Dark City, and the Matrix. All...
Strengthen My Inner Connection with the Spirit with David Hoffmeister
02-08-23 Strengthen My Inner Connection with the Spirit with David Hoffmeister Pretty early on in the beginning of the second chapter of A Course in Miracles, Jesus offers a prayer; 'I am here only to be truly helpful. I'm here to represent Him who sent Me. I do not...
Accept the Gentle Unfolding of God’s Plan with David Hoffmeister
01-25-23 Accept the Gentle Unfolding of God's Plan with David Hoffmeister Accept the gentle unfolding of God's plan. For most of us, when we're going through trials, challenges, and tribulations, we doubt there is a plan. We seriously doubt it. We think this is...
Stay Focused on My Spirit-Given Function with David Hoffmeister
01-11-23 Stay Focused on My Spirit-Given Function with David Hoffmeister God didn't create anything in time and space. God didn't create time. God didn't create space. God didn't create gravity. God didn't create motion, black holes, stars, and gasses. God didn't even...
Reborn in the Light of Christ – Trust That All Is Taken Care Of with David Hoffmeister
12-28-22 Reborn in the Light of Christ - Trust That All Is Taken Care Of with David Hoffmeister Trust that all is taken care of means no more need to plan and scheme. Your need for learning ends when you realize that all is taken care of. The ego has taught us fear....
Devoting Your Life to Walking with Spirit in Everything
12-14-22 Devoting Your Life to Walking with Spirit in Everything That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit, Jesus taught in the Bible, and then it follows; Now I'm born again, which is the choice for the Holy Instant....
The Only Way Out Is The Only Way In with Lisa Fair and Frances Xu
11-30-22 The Only Way Out Is The Only Way In with Lisa Fair and Frances Xu David Hoffmeister, Lisa Fair and Frances Xu met with the Interns at Living Miracles Mexico Center, La Casa De Milagros, for a morning session. There are many people that have tried to renounce...
The Mystical Heart of Christ
11-16-22 The Mystical Heart of Christ Once we let our whole heart and mind say; Of ourselves, we can do nothing, but in God everything is possible, then it opens our hearts, expands our awareness beyond words and beyond something that we can't put the finger on. With...
Heralds of Eternity with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu
11-02-22 Heralds of Eternity with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu In this Closing Session from the October Tabula Rasa Online Retreat David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu addresses the big questions that came up during the weekend long online retreat. They are...