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Awakening to True Happiness Archives with David Hoffmeister

Exposing the Ego

10-04-17  Exposing the Ego The ego is nothing more than the false belief in separation, yet it masquerades itself quite ingeniously by appearing as other beliefs, defensive thought patterns, and the very self we believe ourselves to be. In this profound recording by...

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How to Live Care-Free and Cared For

09-20-17  How to Live Care-Free and Cared For For peace to be known, we must hand all our thoughts and feelings over to the Light to be dissolved and released. To help with this journey, we will meet many trusted companions along the way who are on the same page as us...

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Simplicity and Divine Providence

09-06-17  Simplicity and Divine Providence All complexity is of the ego mind, which creates opposites and divisions to maintain our perception of duality and separation. The ego analyzes everything and wants to keep its separate identity, while the Spirit wants us to...

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Spiritual Vision

08-23-17  Spiritual Vision A Course in Miracles is a pathway of letting our perception about everything we think we know be replaced by spiritual vision. Spiritual vision sees everyone as innocent, and not separate—just as God sees us. In order to open to this...

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A Pathway of Humbleness

08-09-17  A Pathway of Humbleness In this live talk from 2014, David shares his pathway to humbleness on his awakening journey. When we take our steps on our spiritual journey, we encounter our own ego and the meaningless thought system of separateness it would have...

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Free Your Mind from Suffering

07-26-17  Free Your Mind from Suffering We hold many thoughts and beliefs about ourselves in our unconscious minds that we don’t even know exist. These beliefs are serious blocks that hold us back from experiencing true inner peace. On the spiritual journey, we...

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Letting Go of the World

07-12-17  Letting Go of the World​ The ego would have us believe that in order to be happy, we must satisfy ourselves with the things that the world offers: a good education, a good job, good health, and good friends. It tells us that once we have "enough" of the good...

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Awakening Can Be Gentle

06-28-17  Awakening Can Be Gentle Description: Spiritual awakening does not have to be a struggle. On the contrary, we can learn to be very gentle and kind with ourselves as we practice A Course in Miracles or whatever our spiritual path seems to be.  We need only to...

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The World is an Illusion

06-14-17  The World is an Illusion In this talk by mystic David Hoffmeister, he starts off by quoting the character Morpheus from the movie, "The Matrix". In the movie, Morpheus is the one who's purpose is to help Neo (the main character played by Keanu Reeves) to...

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The Inward Journey

05-31-17   The Inward Journey The ego in us always wants to see the cause of our problems as outside of ourselves and beyond our ability to change. But truth would teach that the cause of everything we perceive is within our own mind and nowhere else. The violence we...

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What’s My Purpose?

05-17-17  What’s My Purpose? When caught up in our ego thinking it c​an feel as though we have no purpose. That is because the ego's purposes for us are all meaningless, yet are disguised as being meaningful. Making more money, trying to succeed, and attempting to...

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Let It Go

05-03-17   Let It Go Everything that is needed for us to awaken to our True Nature is always here and now. Whatever needs to happen for us to go deeper in the practice of forgiveness will always reveal itself. It may take the form of issues with family, friends, our...

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Devotion and the Key to Happiness

04-19-17   Devotion and the Key to Happiness Description: When setting out on the path of Self-discovery, it can seem like a daunting task of undoing all that we thought we knew. We have lots of preconceived ideas about ourselves and the world, and we are now being...

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The Happy Dream

04-05-17  The Happy Dream Description: We try and find happiness in relationships, jobs, and money, but all the while it seems just out of reach. So we continue to plan, hoping to find what we are looking for. But even our plans conflict because there always seem to...

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Toward a Rapid Awakening

03-22-17 Toward a Rapid Awakening Description: Your spiritual awakening can be relatively rapid, and two of the fastest ways are through silence and relationship. Spending time in silent prayer or meditation is a great way to stir up everything up in the mind that was...

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Love is Our Source

03-08-17  Love is Our Source The goal of spiritual practice is to be in the flow of presence, to be tuned into Spirit. Decision-making becomes simple and easy when this is the case, for we can ride the intuitive flow of our heart and trust in our Spirit-Given destiny....

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Awakening Through Desire

02-22-17   Awakening Through Desire The speed of our awakening is not determined by anything but our DESIRE to go Home. Surrendering to Spirit will always be interpreted by the ego as a sacrifice of power, yet in truth we are being restored to the full power of the...

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Let Spirit Decide

02-08-17   Let Spirit Decide Description: The goal of spiritual practice is to be in the flow of Presence, to be tuned into Spirit, and wiling to listen to and follow the intuitive flow. Decision-making becomes very simple and easy when we let Spirit be in charge. As...

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The Power Is in Your Mind

01-25-17   The Power Is in Your Mind In this talk, mystic David Hoffmeister shares about the concept of true versus false empathy that is spoken about in A Course in Miracles. To see your brother with true empathy requires a willingness to overlook the perception of...

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Practicing A Course in Miracles

01-11-17   Practicing A Course in Miracles Description: Forgiveness is the core practice of A Course in Miracles, which offers us a program of healing the mind. Similar to other programs of healing, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, the Course requires that we first...

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