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Athena Bahri06-29-22 Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Athena Bahri RMT a Reiki Master Teacher author of Raise Your Vibes energy healer and a messenger and light worker for Spirit. Athena is part of a Hollywood Dynasty niece of Rita Hayward cousin of Ginger Rogers and Donna Reed who all succeeded in their lives and careers and were “perhaps?” aware of Universal Energy “The Law of Attraction” and their Higher Self which made success a certain reality for them. Athena will share quick and easy ways of improving your life and show us that we each have our own energy vibration and when vibes are low we may experience physical illness as well as negative feelings such as anxiety anger sadness and loneliness but we can shift negative emotions into the positive as we each have the personal power to raise our vibration to manifest healthy happy and safe lives. Athena discusses her interesting work in Hollywood and leaving a life of glamour to create a life of peace and energy healing as many in business medicine and the arts often do when they begin to remember who they really are and what life is really about.

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