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12-31-18  As Guardian Angels with Paws

This week, Dr. Judy is pleased to welcome fellow author and the 2018 Pet Industry Woman of the Year “Corporate” award recipient, Carol Borden, founder of Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs Inc. in Williston, Florida.  Blessed with a great love of animals and the special capacity to recognize the abilities of dogs that humans did not possess, Carol learned to listen, understand and be willing to accept their messages.  In her quest to help dogs reach their full potential and help humans understand them, Carol’s perfect door opened in 2010 when she founded the Guardian Angels organization to help disabled people from all walks of life, although nearly 90% of these dogs are trained and donated to our combat wounded veterans with permanent disabilities. While she has never been in the military, both her father and son have and now, this is how Carol serves. In 2018, she started her college accredited apprentice program – invaluable training to improve the quality of trainers in this industry. In addition, her organization also supports a prison training program for incarcerated veterans, so that they may find a new path in life as they rehabilitate.  You’ll be spellbound as Carol explains just how her organization works to pair service dogs with veterans impacted by disabilities and PTSD, and how they bring healing and rehabilitation to them and their families.  Share the joy as you learn how these deserving individuals make immediate connections with their Guardian Angel and their “new normal” begins.  This is truly a show you’ll want to tune in to and share with your friends.

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