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Artist: Paul Luftenegger International Multi Award Winning Singer/Songwriter Inspiring Global Love & Kindness Through Music. Paul’s focus is growing and nurturing self worth within the listener.  Paul is a leader in his new genre of music he calls ‘Conscious Healing Music’ to empower the listener’s heart and soul to thrive with self love.

Paul was born in St.Thomas, Ontario, Canada on January 14th, 1977.  When Paul was eight he moved to London, Ontario with his family and started studying piano.  By the age of ten, Paul had auditioned for St. Mary’s Choir and Orchestra Program in London.  This blessing opened many doors to expand and grow Paul’s artistic talents in music and the performing arts through this incredible music program gaining a solid music education expanding love through music.

Paul’s passion for music and art continued to bloom in High School where he attended Catholic Central High School in London, Ontario – a specialized extension program developed to continue music studies from St. Mary’s Choir and Orchestra Program.  Paul was included in an adventure to sing for the late Pope John Paul II as part of the CCH Choir in a private audience at the Vatican in Vatican City.  As a teen, Paul performed with Choirs for The Blue Jays, The Boston Red Sox and The Detroit Tigers at stadiums filled with 10’s of 1000’s of adoring baseball fans.

Paul-LufteneggerPaul has always supported Music and Art.  He believes in keeping Art Programs alive and healthy within the public school systems to provide children the opportunities to grow reflection through the creative process.

Paul and his close family sadly lost his 56 year old Father to suicide in March of 2011.  This tragic loss has been a huge inspiration of opening hearts and trying to inspire the World through writing music that is reflective and at the same time calming. Paul has always maintained keeping his music as true to form with simplicity without over editing to allow the souls honesty to dance with the listeners heart.  Paul writes with the intention of finding peace within oneself in order to truly manifest peace externally in our beautiful World with the ultimate goal of inspiring Global Kindness through all of his music compositions.

Paul has worked very closely and continues to be a guest speaker and volunteer/contributor with the ‘Canadian Mental Health Association’ (CMHA).  Paul has been a featured Singer/Songwriter by Songwriters Association of Canada (S.A.C.) for his work with Suicide Awareness and Social Change Songwriting.  His career also includes partnering with international charities to advance social awareness issues advancing equality and human rights for all people of our World.  Paul has also been honoured by the Premier of Ontario – The Honourable Kathleen Wynne for his work with Suicide Awareness.

PaulOn November 25th, 2013 Paul won his first International Songwriting Award for his song ‘DIAMOND LIGHT’ from the “2013 USA Songwriting Contest” an International contest consisting of 10’s of 1000’s of song submissions from some of the most prolific songwriters from all over the World.  This award is called “The Honourable Mention Award”.  ‘DIAMOND LIGHT’ was also selected as a finalist for the grand prize of being best song of the year for 2013.   Paul’s Album ‘DIAMOND LIGHT’ won the 2013 “Top 10 Award” in London, by the London Free Press.

Paul believes in spreading Abundant Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness and Prosperity with as much kindness as humanly possible. Deepak Chopra, Oprah, Ellen, and Rosie O’Donnell along with many New Age Authors and Thought Leaders have been the light of Paul’s growth through much adversity.  These wonderful human hearts have changed the face of our World with their love and perpetual belief in kindness.

paullufteneggerLOVE EXPANDINGCD: LOVE EXPANDING LOVE ~This Album (Love Expanding Love) was funded by love with LOVE+MONEY from beautiful hearts from every corner of our planet.  My intention and wish is to create a LOVE+WAVE from heart to heart by asking each heart that purchases this album to share it with someone on this planet; expanding LOVE for all life!  Together with love we thrive with love!  Please help me help others and in turn our world with my conscious music to inspire global love and human kindness from within!

Dedicated to Oprah Winfrey for holding a conscious space of love & light after my father sadly took his life in 2011.  Thank you OWN Television for all you do!  Thank you God for this GIFT and thank you for honouring the heart within you!

Thank you to every single heart that funded this album.  I am eternally grateful…  all my love & light, with pure gratitude & grace, Paul Luftenegger

paulluftenegger_DiamondLightCD: DIAMOND LIGHT~PAUL LUFTENEGGER RECEIVED A HANDWRITTEN LETTER FROM O MAGAZINE IN NEW YORK CITY THANKING HIM FOR HIS LATEST ALBUM, DIAMOND LIGHT and Through the power of his inspirational music London singer-songwriter Paul Luftenegger is gaining national and international recognition. Luftenegger’s latest single, ‘It’s Only Love’ has been viewed over 31,000 times on YouTube and he was recently honoured by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne for his commitment to suicide awareness. In addition, ‘Diamond Light,’ a single from his album of the same name, made it to the finals of the 2013 International Songwriting Competition and eventually garnered an Honourable Mention Award. “I almost fell over when I found out. It took my breath away with gratitude. I have worked so hard trying to make waves of love and kindness around the world since losing my dad to suicide almost three years ago,” said Luftenegger in a press release. “The recent nomination/finalist news is huge as there are many 1000’s of songs entered from all over the world in these contests, so to make it to this point really makes me feel that things are really starting to change and take shape on an international stage. So far, my largest following is actually from Denmark, the United States and Canada.” Press Review By John Sharpe – Scene Magazine – London

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