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Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Celebrates Featured MusiciansB-Musical Notes

Debara indexArtist & Musician Debara Bruhn Towt

Debara Bruhn Towt shares her musical sojourn into healing. Debara affirms “Each person has a song with a melody with unique sounds and words. It is not a song like any one else; it is a profound tapestry woven through the universe. I love to listen to the songs that come forth from each soul, for I am always blessed & transformed by the grace that attends us. Yes, we are all connected”.

Intuitive, Mother of Angels, Debara Bruhn Towt shares her experiences of life as a mother who has lost her father to down wind radio active fallout here in southern Utah, lost her brother to HIV related immune disorders, lost her second daughter to a rare birth defect that put her into an eight year coma, lost her oldest daughter to a single car roll over accident and her mother crossing over from co-genital heart failure. Life has presented its’ challenges to Debara and through it all one thing remains clear…death is an illusion.



Questions for Debara:

What is your musical specialty?

Song/Writer/Singer I love Listening … Sound… vibration…new Sounds.

When did you begin making music? Who introduced you?

My Father and Brother … I began to write and sing about 4 years of age… Family… My own hearing of sound….

Do you work alone or with a group? If in a group, whom are the others you have worked with?

Over the Span of Years:  2011 What is Life, 2012 Remember Me and Crystal Butterfly’s fly in the Sumer of your Dreams.  It is with much gratitude and with a heart full of thanks that go out to our producers, Mr. Howard Gale & Mr. Mark Evans at Silent Partner Productions in Los Angels. Mark received a ” Pearl Award” for his music on the movie “Other Side of Heaven”. Debara also enjoyed collaborating with Mr. Kurt Wilson on her Songs. Mark received a ” Pearl Award” for his music on the movie “Other Side of Heaven”. Debara also enjoyed collaborating with Mr. Kurt Wilson & Cynthia Wilkenson Green on her Songs. Many Thanks to the Musicians Pat Carey for his Key Boards, bass guitar and the acoustic Guitars…John Thompson & Debbie Davis for horns
Doug Norwine for woodwinds and the evi. Les Coulter Sammy Brown & Dave Lewis for Back up Vocals.
The C.D. ” A’ nidawehi.” which in Cherokee means “Angels”. The song Shadow Hawk is a theme song for the Movie Shadow Hawk on Sacred Ground which was filmed in Southern Utah in 2003. The other Songs are music which, Debara, wrote . Debara enjoy’s singing live on stage for the play, legends of the Chiefs with Mr Black Hawk Walther & Mason Walther/ writers of the tribute to the Chiefs.
The lyric’s to What is life are words from Chief Seattle
The lyric’s to There was a Time ~ Chief Sitting Bull
My great friend ~ Black Hawk Voice on ~ What is Life
The Songs on the C.D A’nidawehi, are a Tribute to the spirit and legends of great chiefs and hero’s in American for over a hundred years.. Big Thanks to Denis Zang on Flute.

You can catch Song’s of Debara on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network … iTunes & TuneIn on Divine Sunday’s Music airing in over 135 Countries.

Please mention any awards or other acknowledgments

UK NME AWARDS…. Thank you for your Nomination for Remember Me …

Crystal Butterflies fly in the Sumer of your Dreams:


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