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06-24-19   31- Day Food Revolution Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great & Transform your world with Ocean Robbins

We are honored and thrilled to share a legend living a legacy of Love for our planet sharing a wealth of health for this Nation that is growing stronger. We welcome our guest Ocean Robbins who is an author the newly released book, 31- Day Food

Revolution Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great & Transform your world. He serves as a CEO and cofounder of the 500,000-plus-member food Revolution Network-one of the largest communities of healthy eating advocates on the planet. Ocean has held hundreds of live seminars and events that have touched millions of lives in 190 nations. His grandfather founded Baskin-Robbins, and his father, John Robbins walked away from the family company to write bestsellers like Diet for a New America and to become a renowned health advocate. Now, Ocean is on a mission to transform the industrialized food culture into one that celebrates and supports healthy people and a healthy planet.

Ocean has been featured in TIME, Audubon, USA Today, The New York Times and  The Washington Post and more ..

“Everybody has unique contributions to make to this planet. There are more than 7 billion parts to play in the transformation of our world, each a unique path, coming out of our histories, our struggles and devastations, and our dreams for the future. Whatever love, nurturance, opportunities and privileges have been given to us, they’re ours now. In this precious, wild and crazy thing we call our lives, what choices will we make? What will be our impact upon this planet and upon those with whom we share it?— Ocean Robbins Bestselling author, 31-Day Food Revolution

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