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11:11 Talk Radio Archives with Simran Singh

Encore: Maureen McCarthy: State of Grace

07-03-17  Encore: Maureen McCarthy: State of Grace There is a new way to build, sustain and transition relationships with honor and grace and it is called the State of Grace Document. It takes into consideration each individual involved in the relationship, their...

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Encore: Michael Bernard Beckwith: Spiritual Liberation

06-26-17  Encore: Michael Bernard Beckwith: Spiritual Liberation As co-founder and president of the Association for Global New Thought, Beckwith stands at the forefront with other visionaries in the fields spirituality, education, sociology, economics, science,...

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Encore: Iyanla Vanzant – Peace From Broken Pieces

06-19-17 Encore: Iyanla Vanzant - Peace From Broken Pieces Peace From Broken Pieces is a story about how a New York Times best-selling author ends up flat broke, looking for a place to live, how a 37-year relationship ends in divorce by e-mail, and how an...

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Encore: Psychic John Holland

06-12-17 Encore: Psychic John Holland One of the most respected psychic mediums and spirit messengers on the world stage, John Holland takes his work seriously and treats it with the utmost integrity and respect. “If I can help people connect with someone on the...

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Carl Johan Calleman: Waves of Creation

05-29-17   Carl Johan Calleman: Waves of Creation In the past few years the world has witnessed changes in social consciousness whose sudden development the ruling scientific paradigm has not been able to explain. These changes correspond with the activation of new...

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Jennifer Gehl: Planetary Signatures

05-22-17   Jennifer Gehl: Planetary Signatures Perhaps only two or three times a decade comes along real paradigm shift in the clinical sciences. The Science of Planetary Signatures in Medicine is truly one of those books. Gehl has lifted the tectonic plates in our...

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Chetan Parkyn: Human Design and the Lines

05-15-17   Chetan Parkyn: Human Design and the Lines Like any great novel, your life story is guided by a common overriding theme from beginning to end. As you grow, learn and change throughout your lifetime, your theme is always with you, as an undercurrent to the...

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Jason Gregory: Enlightenment Now

05-08-17   Jason Gregory: Enlightenment Now Enlightenment in the East is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. It is completely different from the philosophical movement known as “the Enlightenment” in Europe during the 18th century. Eastern enlightenment is often...

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Renee Starr: Goddess Wisdom

04-24-17   Renee Starr: Goddess Wisdom You may not know yourself as a goddess; your feminine energy is out of balance and your divine essence has yet to awaken. But the time has come, right now, for you to know that being a woman is special, sacred, and divine. Every...

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Acharya Shunya: Ayurvedic Wisdom

04-17-17   Acharya Shunya: Ayurvedic Wisdom Ayurveda teaches us that true health is our birthright—and that by artfully adapting to the rhythms of nature, we can bring ourselves back into balance and experience optimal well-being. Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom is a...

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Colette Baron-Reid: Oracle Wisdom

04-10-17   Colette Baron-Reid: Oracle Wisdom Everyone is born with the natural gifts of an Oracle. Unfortunately, they remain dormant and unused in 99% of people. But the tides are shifting. Spirit has a plan for us, and YOU were called here (to this exact page, at...

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Warrior Goddess – Heatherash Amara

03-27-17  Warrior Goddess - Heatherash Amara It is a time for Women... "Warrior energy is our power: focus, dedication, purpose, determination. When we harness our warrior energy we are confident, clear, and bring 100 percent of ourselves to each action. Goddess...

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Evolutionary Love Relationships: Andrew Harvey

03-20-17 Evolutionary Love Relationships: Andrew Harvey A template for more enheartened, authentic love relationships, AND invites couples and other significant pairings (friends, business colleagues) to move their powerful relational energy into the world to effect...

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Speaking With Nature: Sandra Ingerman

02-27-17    Speaking With Nature: Sandra Ingerman Nature and the Earth are conscious. They speak to us through our dreams, intuition, and deep longings. By opening our minds, hearts, and senses we can consciously awaken to the magic of the wild, the rhythms of nature,...

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The Stress Solution: Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli

02-20-17    The Stress Solution: Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli Contemporary life has come to include 1. working too much, 2. sleeping too little, and 3. feeling disconnected from partners and family (largely because of 1 and 2.) Our health and relationships suffer (as does...

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JP Sears: Being Ultra-Spiritual

02-13-17    JP Sears: Being Ultra-Spiritual Perhaps our ability to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves too seriously is what increases our spiritual growth. JP Sears is going to show you how to be Ultra Spiritual but first you have to know that being Ultra...

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Sister Giant – Marianne Williamson

02-06-17    Sister Giant - Marianne Williamson In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Politics should be sacred.” Sacred doesn’t necessarily mean religious – it means stemming from the deepest part of ourselves. The search for authenticity, for our deep humanity, should not...

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Marc Allen: The Magical Path

01-30-17    Marc Allen: The Magical Path The magical, the mystical, the spiritual — all are interlinked. Magical practice connects with spiritual power; the results can be startling, and can happen quickly — that’s why it’s called a short path. The process is a...

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The Technology of Sound: Ted Winslow

01-23-17    The Technology of Sound: Ted Winslow Sound Sync Technologies™ is a Scientifically proven sound healing technology developed by Ted Winslow. Ted invented this specialized sound healing music after 25 years of research and development of healing Solfeggio...

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Igniting Greatness: Howard Glasser

01-16-17    Igniting Greatness: Howard Glasser Over the years, Howard Glasser noticed that applying the principles and practices of the Nurtured Heart Approach to himself, a mode he knew to be most effective at bringing forth a child's greatness, had a surprising and...

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This Month: Book of the Month: White Heron: A Creation Story, author Amy Olmedo

Kids Book of the Month: Imagine A World: Full of Wonder, authors Heather Lean, Leigha Huggins

Host Book Corner: SOUL/Life Balance: A Guide to Igniting & Integrating Spiritual Awakenings, author Sam Kabert

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