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What’s In Your Way IS The Way Archives with Mary O’Malley

Does Pain have to be so Painful?

02-20-25 Does Pain have to be so Painful? We all experience pain. And we all experience all levels of pain – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. But we are living in an exciting time where we are changing our relationship to pain. Join Mary in exploring how,...

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The Phenomenal Healing Power of Trust

11-14-24 The Phenomenal Healing Power of Trust It seems like so much is out of our control right now – angry, berating politics, climate change, and seemingly endless wars. Can we trust it all? Join Mary in exploring what true trust is, how to bring it into your life,...

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The Magic of Acceptance II

09-05-24 The Magic of Acceptance II We have all bought into the belief that if something is not the way we want it to be, we must fix it, ignore it, get rid of it, or rise above it, not realizing this is an endless game of struggle.  It is pure joy when you discover...

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Are you Ready to Move Beyond Struggle?

08-22-24 Are you ready to Move Beyond Struggle? Join Mary in exploring how to unhook from struggle so that all of your other compulsions like busyness, screen time, trying to control the people in your lives, along with the basic compulsions around food, alcohol and...

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Being Present for the Difficult Stuff

08-08-24 Being Present for the Difficult Stuff The hard challenges in life, like health issues, conflict, loss, or political turmoil, are all calling for you to be present. Showing compassion for yourself, like you would your best friend, during these challenges will...

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Can We Trust the Chaos of Our Time?

07-25-24 Can We Trust the Chaos of Our Time? It may not be likable, and it may even be scary, but it is immensely trustable. As I intimately explore in my book What’s in the Way IS the Way, even this time of chaos can be empowering rather than disempowering. Join Mary...

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Finding Peace, No Matter What is Happening

06-27-24 Finding Peace, No Matter What is Happening We are all deeply challenged by life right now. We have become so used to so much stress that we hardly notice the unease inside of us and the price we pay for it. Join Mary in exploring how to find a center of calm,...

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The Great Healer of Trauma

04-04-24 The Great Healer of Trauma All people, on their journey through life, experience traumas, some more than others. And our personalities were created around these wounds much like a pearl is created from the irritant of a grain of sand. Join Mary in exploring...

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The Magic of Acceptance

03-21-24 The Magic of Acceptance It is so easy to misunderstand the power of acceptance. It is not about being at the mercy of life. Instead, it is a dynamic state, a foundational relationship with existence that invites you to show up for what is showing up so you...

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The Indescribable Joy of Flowing with Life

03-07-24 The Indescribable Joy of Flowing with Life Everything flows in nature. Water, light and sound show up in waves, day flows into night, winter into spring. The only thing that doesn’t flow is most human minds. Because our minds are dualistic in nature, they see...

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The Great Healer of Attention

02-22-24 The Great Healer of Attention One of the most powerful gifts you can give yourself on your journey into being present for life is to strengthen the muscle of your attention. And yet for most of us, our muscle is weak, following thought wherever it goes. Join...

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Your Precious, Precious Life

01-25-24 Your Precious, Precious Life You have been given a huge gift and that is the gift of life. And yet we all take it for granted. This causes us to sleepwalk through our lives, rarely connecting with the preciousness of each and every moment that brings us the...

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The Banquet of Love

01-11-24 The Banquet of Love There are so many options for healing our bodies, minds, and hearts. But one option we rarely use is the healing energies of our hearts. Join Mary in exploring how powerful it is to meet whatever you are experiencing with the healing balm...

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The Suffering of Reaction, The Joy of Response

12-28-23 The Suffering of Reaction, The Joy of Response We pay a heavy price for reacting to life whether it is to an illness, a difficult person, or a financial setback. Join Mary in discovering how to unhook from your reactive mind so you can respond to whatever...

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Relax, All is Well

11-30-23 Relax, All is Well Mary takes you on a journey through her books and how to have the writing process be easy and joyful. Woven throughout the conversation is how to let go to life so that you can know the joy of being creatively alive. Learn more about Mary...

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Beyond War

10-19-23 Beyond War The images coming out of Israel and Gaza are heart-wrenching.  Even though you may feel there is nothing you can do, there is!  Join Mary in exploring how you can use this war to heal yourself and the world. Learn more about Mary here:...

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A Vision of Possibility

06-22-23 A Vision of Possibility Come on a journey with Mary where you will see that even with all of the chaos we are experiencing at this time in history, it is a breakthrough time rather than a breakdown time. As you discover how to trust the myriad challenges, we...

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Strengthening the Muscle of Attention

06-08-23 Strengthening the Muscle of Attention One of the most powerful tools we have to free ourselves up from the struggles in our mind is the art of giving your attention to whatever is happening. Because the muscle of our attention is weak, join Mary in exploring...

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Rebuilding Trust in the Flow of Life part 2

05-25-23 Rebuilding Trust in the Flow of Life part 2 As we reconnect with the joy of being fully here for life, there are specific skills that allow us to reweave the thread of trust. Join Mary in exploring more skills that will allow you to take deeper breaths, smile...

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Rebuilding Trust in the Flow of Life Part I

05-11-23 Rebuilding Trust in the Flow of Life Part I In all of our longings, our deepest and most hidden one is to open again to the flow of life, trusting and working with whatever life gives us. Join Mary in exploring skills that allow you to again know the joy of...

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Host Book Corner: SOUL/Life Balance: A Guide to Igniting & Integrating Spiritual Awakenings, author Sam Kabert

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