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Uplifted Susan Smith JonesFor a woman with three of America’s most ordinary names, Susan Smith Jones, PhD, has made extraordinary contributions in the fields of holistic health; anti-aging; optimum nutrition; human potential; and balanced, peaceful living. But her road to success has been anything but easy. Susan’s challenges and obstacles lay the foundation for this inspiring, motivating, and empowering book on how to create a vibrantly healthy and extraordinary life. Visit

“Books that I love become more than ink on paper; they become good friends. This powerful and life-transforming book, Uplifted, is sure to become one of my very best friends forever. Uplifted is a beautiful and outstanding guide to living a life that is rooted in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual vitality, no matter one’s age. It is definitely essential reading.”
—Ric Bratton, Founder and Host of This Week in America

UPLIFT your life in just 12 minutes!

Busy lives inevitably create a hectic pace of life. Experiencing beauty, feeling wonder, and breathing in deeply of nature’s blessings often fall to the bottom of our to-do lists. Susan’s inspiring book helps us reconsider our objectives and aspirations and reassess how we use our time and what we value in order to live a more fully realized life.

The secret to creating transformation is to make changes one step at a time in 12-minute practicable segments and in 21-day commitments. Over time, their cumulative effect manifests significant changes in one’s life. Because it’s not easy to start a new life-changing program or to give up old habits, Uplifted: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality gently guides the way.

If we commit ourselves to the wise guidance Susan proffers us on each page of Uplifted, we will find that, in a short time, we will feel stronger, happier, healthier, more serene, restored, ready to soar, and totally uplifted!~Excerpt from the Foreword by David Craddock

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