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UFOs and Hyper-Civilizations01-21-20 UFOs and Hyper-Civilizations

There are an unimaginably great number of places in the Universe where a civilization, similar to ours, could emerge and develop. Some of these civilizations must have appeared a very long time ago, and their representatives would have had enough time to reach the Earth and/or to manifest themselves through miracles. Why don’t we notice any of these? Dr. Dan Farcas, author, and President of the Romanian Association for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (ASFAN), will answer these and many other questions about ETs, and Hyper-civilizations such as the reasons for their non-intervention policy. We will discuss UFOs, abductions, old writings and traditions, folklore, religions, “paranormal” phenomena such as: remote viewing, channeling, reincarnation, xenoglosy and others. But the big question is do “they” care about us and the future of earthly civilization?

Dr. Dan FarcasBIO: Dr. Dan D. Farcaş has published over 1000 articles, and has participated in many radio and TV shows, most of them related to UFOs. In 2011 he became President of the Romanian Association for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (ASFAN). He has published over 25 books, all in Romanian, in the fields of computer science, mathematics, essays, ufology, memoirs.

This absolutely Brilliant man was born in 1940, graduate with a degree in mathematics and physics from Timisoara, in 1960. He got his PhD in mathematics, and computer sciences, at the State University of Bucharest in 1979, became a Computer specialist at Polytechnic at the University of Timisoara (1962-67), where he made the first computer simulations of neural networks in Romania. From 1991 to 2010 (when retired) he was director, deputy director or senior expert of the Computing and Health Statistics Centre of Ministry of Health Romania, temporary advisor to the World Health Organisation (1997-2001) and expert in Health for Romania to the European Commission (2007-2010).

Dr. Dan D. Farcas was elected in 1993 to full member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences and was vice-president of the Romanian Society of Medical Informatics (1991-2010). In 2011 he became President of the Romanian Association for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (ASFAN).

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