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05-03-15 The Rainbow Bridge – Bridge to Inner Peace and to World Peace

The Rainbow Bridge, Bridge to Inner Peace and to World Peace illuminates the common ground in the world’s major wisdom traditions and focuses on inner peace and world peace, including a 14-point Road Map to World Peace. It has won 19 literary awards and has been endorsed by H.H. the Dalai Lama, New York Times bestselling authors, doctors, lawyers, Ambassadors, Olympians, Astronauts, Academy Award-winning actor Louis Gossett, Jr. and a growing chorus of prestigious luminaries.

With professional certifications in knowledge management, change management and project management, Brent Hunter is the author of four books, an IT professional, producer, former psychotherapist and National Certified Counselor. Hunter is also a social media pioneer as the founder of the first Internet-based global community called “The Park,” with more than 700,000 members in 190 countries worldwide. Through the amazing Park Odyssey, which he is now chronicling in a separate book, he learned some of what it means to be a human.

Brent is part Muslim and part Jewish, and was brought up as a Christian. He currently studies and lives by an integrated set of life principles including Bahai’i, Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Earth-based, Hindu, Islamic, Jewish, Native American/Indigenous, Sikh, and Taoist traditions. Brent believes that all paths are divine and must be equally respected in order for the world to become a significantly better place for all of our brothers and sisters worldwide.

Brent received a B.S. in Math and Computer Science from Clarkson University, an M.S. in Counseling and Human Relations from Villanova University, and the equivalent of an M.S. in Information Systems after he graduated from the General Electric Company’s fast-track Information Systems Management Program. Brent is an Eagle Scout, a graduate of the U.S. Army Airborne School, and is involved with a number of global civic organizations, including a past position in the United Nations Association of the U.S. as the Vice President of Communications in the Northern California Division. He is also the author of The Pieces of Our Puzzle: A Multi-Faceted Approach to Personal Health and Well Being, Nuggets of Wisdom: Quotes to Ponder and Inspire, More Nuggets of Wisdom: Quotes to Ponder and Inspire, and the upcoming The Park Odyssey.

After being born in Brooklyn, NY and living in Upstate New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and San Francisco, Brent currently lives, plays, and works in Los Angeles.

We are in the process of creating a bridge to a peaceful future through a global network of networks. By working collaboratively using universal principles as our common ground, we aim to help facilitate global unity and world peace. If you would like to join us in creating a bridge to a positive and peaceful future, we welcome hearing from you.

05-17-15 Second Hour: Luminary Author Brent Hunter Returns to Share “The 14-point Road Map to World Peace”

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