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ConsciousnessChildren today are incredibly talented and come in all kinds of packages; some are silent, communicate telepathically and yet cannot care for themselves; some talk continuously and are able to do anything instantly. Yet all have extraordinary abilities that have not been on earth before. Are we ready for them or have they come too soon?

IMPULSE: the choreography of Holomovement, the ground of all creation shows us how energy is changing direction and creating a shift from a linear to a global consciousness.
This global awareness is imprinted in the children changing the way they learn and act. IMPULSE the genesis of change shows us how they are changing; how we can change the way we parent, teach, heal to nurture all children.

This book is based on the application of IMPULSE over a 33 year period with all kinds of children and has evidenced that all children can move forward with hope and with joy.

Purchase on Amazon: The New Choreography of Consciousness: New Evolutionary Movements Creating a Quantum Leap, Attaining our Highest Human Potential

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