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04-26-14 Topic: The field of Expressive Arts Therapy; what it is; the benefits and current trends in art-based research is evolving because the educated consumer is seeking complimentary modalities to traditional medical treatment.

Join us for a lively conversation with Dr. Roxanne Daleo a Health Psychologist, national authority on stress reduction and relaxation for children who has extensive experience combining mind/body healing techniques with the creative arts and Mitchell Kossak, Director of Expressive Arts Therapy at Lesley University, Cambridge, MA whose work using intermodal/improvisational arts therapies is effective and informative.

Listeners will be inspired! Tune in. Energy medicine is the medicine of the future.

Dr Roxanne Daleo, MindWorks for Children

The work I have to offer introduces a new paradigm for child rearing, one that understands and assumes the power within; the interconnectedness of all living things and the energy of sound frequency—what I like to call “the spiral of life” that takes us to the sacred space of our own heart and upward to a higher state of being.” Dr. Roxie

“Discover The Treasure Within” ~Renowned clinician, leader, and pioneer in Health Psychology, Dr. Roxie has an unwavering passion for helping children discover their inner resources and realize their own self-worth. As a counselor in Pediatric Relaxation Therapy, specializing in stress disorders, her training from Harvard University and the Jung Institute combine evidence-based mind/body techniques with expressive arts and anchors her work in one of the most powerful methods for awakening natural healing within. Her groundbreaking work provides children, parents and caregivers with alternative solutions to alleviate stress and anxieties. Her use of art, music, guided imagery and meditation audio programs allow children to access their own internal source of strength, love and innate gifts.

Roxanne was a Presenter at Nexus EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Conference at the Harvard Medical School

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