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DrLeslieDeeWallace01-08-16  Spiritual Lessons from a Life in Acting – A Conversation with Dee Wallace

Dr. Miller has for his guest on Conversations with Extraordinary People actress Dee Wallace. You are most familiar with her from her leading role in ET – The Extraterrestrial, although she has been featured prominently in many other movies such as The Howling, and has appeared in more than 100 television shows. What makes Dee extraordinary is that she is also an acting teacher who teaches in a unique way – purely from her intuition. She’s even written a book about it, Bright Light – Spiritual Lessons from A Life in Acting. In our interview you’ll learn some of her personal story, how she was born to a poverty-stricken family in Kansas, and how she spent many years of her childhood rescuing her mother and brother from her raging alcoholic father – until he finally committed suicide. You will learn the most important lesson she learned from this, and from her grandmother who taught her about Love. The principle of “I am” is one that has figured prominently for both Dr. Miller and to Dee, and their sharing and comparing notes may well help you gain more insight into who you truly are. The conversation will be a wide-ranging one, weaving from a discussion of the role of Love in creating success to the importance of presence in defeating negative emotional states. You will gain some tips about how it is that we give our power away, how we can move back into power, and the importance of intention. Dee will also share with us quite candidly some interesting observations concerning the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the current political landscape. The show closes with a segment from Dr. Miller’s well-known CD, “I Am” – Awakening Self-Acceptance. This is one you definitely don’t want to miss.

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