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05-07-19 Radical Transformational Leadership: What does this imply?
Guest Speaker: Prithvi Mahadevan

Young Architects Transforming their Profession

Join us for a conversation with Prithvi Mahadevan, an architect. She shares how the 2015 floods in Chennai, India, became the impetus for systematic action. She talks about reimagining solutions with a different outlook for disaster management and disaster preparedness. Solutions to the problems in a city lie in our capacity to design and implement programs that transform the very construct of the problem, where we integrate short-term and long-term thinking. There is a need to reimagine solutions by harnessing knowledge and technology to create new patterns and systems and find solutions that are inclusive, equitable and sustainable.

Prithvi is focused on generating breakthroughs in the sector of Architecture and Education, by creating a new design for sustainable and equitable change where there is a transformation of existing architectural practice and curriculum, transform everyday conversations, meetings and routine activities in the institution by sourcing our inner power, shifting norms and systems and generating impact and results. Her initiatives provide opportunities for practitioners and students to learn how to shifts current norms, systems and structures and deliver tangible and measurable results, grounded in their inner capacities. Prithvi says that in this day and age of technology, everything has become more about ‘the outside’ –How one looks or How one talks etc.— from a superficial outward layer, which is easy to change. But as humans, and more specifically as change agents, it is time to look within ourselves to source the inner power as a basis of action which would be much more meaningful and strong

Twentieth Episode: Guest in the 2nd segment: Prithvi Mahadevan

Bio:  Prithvi Mahadevan is a young Architect by profession and a passionate urban enthusiast by heart. Her interests lie in studying the layers and functions of cities with its parameters and constraints. She believes in sustainable urban development where ecology is given as much importance as the built of the city, which is otherwise in the current scenario. She works presently with a social enterprise called Agam Sei and RVS Padmavathy School of Architecture, working on projects and initiatives that generate social and ecological resilience in society and her fraternity. She strives to generate methods to create innovative, lively and sustainable cities for people and with the people.

In her role as a teacher in the RVS Padmavathy School of Architecture, Prithvi brings ecology and social change through architecture to college studios for a better and holistic understanding of society. She works with the final year students in their Urban Design Studio and Thesis studios where the main aim is to cultivate responsibility as Architects for society. This is the main purpose of all the study and design ventures. Current trends of social and ecological exploitation and ways to address then, are critically integrated into architecture studies in these studios

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