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09-03-21 Vegetarian Market with Peter Dodge & Success Genie with Kim Kasparian

Meet Entrepreneur Peter Dodge!  Learn how his vision for healthy living turned into a lifelong family business.

Peter created an extraordinary vegetarian market nearly 45 years ago which is more than just a marketplace, it’s a community experience where you can’t make a wrong choice if you’re desiring to live a healthy lifestyle.  This was always the dream of Peter Dodge, who was an integral part of creating this type of market in 1977 with a group of Yogis who wanted to promote their mind, body, spirit connection lifestyle to the public. “The philosophy that existed 44 years ago still exists today,” says owner Peter Dodge.

While others in that group went into different directions, Peter’s vision and passion only increased; today he still owns and runs the store along with his wife, Fran, two sons, Justin and Nathaniel, grandson Alvin and granddaughters Kevala and Pramila. In addition to their full-time duties, the family is also heavily involved in a number of charity efforts worldwide and in the United States. From providing food, education and even music lessons to families in Haiti to helping victims to rebuild their homes during the many hurricanes we’ve experienced along the east coast and the Caribbean over the years.  To learn more about Peter and his business:

Kim KasparianLearn how to have Peace Joy and Profit all at the same time with “Success Genie” Owner & Coach, Kim Kasparian.  Her no holds-barred, hand-holding, obstacle- smashing success coaching method makes Kim a highly sought-after coach. She understands the struggles and fears you hold inside your heart when faced with accepting your innate greatness.

She is known for her wisdom, tough love, support and accountability with Soul. Kim will allow you to open up and enjoy the full Technicolor experience that is your birthright.

Learn more about Joyce here:

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