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09-06-15   Paul Sevett & Jaeantra Green Gardener~Three Heart Balancing™

Paul Sevett began his dance therapy education at the University of Wisconsin over 30 years ago. He became a practicing dance therapist after receiving his MA degree from Goucher College in 1983 working in a variety of psychiatric settings in Maryland, Washington DC, and Minnesota. The focus of his work has always been utilizing the natural wisdom of the body and its energy to promote the integration of body, mind, and heart. He continued this exploration becoming a certified practitioner of Zen Bodytherapy® , Integral Bodywork® and energy healing using the Three Heart Balancing™ technique. Paul is a past member of the ADTA Board of Directors and its incoming Chair of the Standards and Ethics Committee. He has taught workshops and a webinar on ethics, teaches a course on ethics and boundaries for a professional massage and shiatsu therapy school, teaches Dance/Movement Therapy classes, and Three Heart Balancing™ healing classes. He lives and maintains his private practice out of St. Paul Minnesota. “I am sustained by the deep sense of honor I feel as each client allows me to participate in their effort to uncover and express their true authentic Self.”

Jaentra Green Gardener-Ask me anything, after over 30 years of healing experience, both giving and receiving, I love the journey. I healed myself first of Multiple Sclerosis diagnosed in 1977 by leaving no stone unturned. I believe anyone can be healed. Let me coach you, enlighten, delight and support you. Each challenge has many gifts.

Three Heart Balancing™ is an approach developed by Jaentra Green Gardener, which integrates body, mind and heart as a focal point for dealing with body pain and discomfort. Based on an integration of many bodywork methods, the focus of the work is on activating the Wave in the body. Three Heart Balancing™ is a type of energy medicine that works through the gravitational field of the earth and our body. We believe health and wellness are an integral part of our field of gravity.  God is the divine absolute and the God within, the ground of our being, the higher power, both male and female, one with us all. God acts through people’s commitment, prayers, and the intention to create love and health in each of us. Healing Hands Network trains people from all faiths in the art and practice of hands on healing.

Snowflake is a new healing energy emerging from the sacred feminine will heart especially designed for each individual person’s frequency. The energy creates a healthy self image, body and soul expression. Snowflake is the evolutionary next step in empowerment and love. Each of us is important, necessary and valuable for humanity. We grow into the consciousness of self love by our body changing DNA to a crystalline structure.

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