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05-12-20 PART 2: Dreams, & Prophecies

Part 2 of the Celestine Prophecies with author James Redfield. In an effort to help a world gripped by hate and corruption on all sides, a growing wave of Consciousness is sweeping the planet. A new generation is waking up to the Celestine Prophecies and Ascension to a Higher Realm. Join James Redfield, author of the Celestine Prophecies as we discuss the New Release of his New York Times and Worldwide Bestseller, and how your dreams and consciousness are part of all this Ancient New Awakening. James is currently on The Celestine Prophecy Inspiration Tour and during this interview talks with us about this new time of heightened awareness and self-actualization including some of the 12 Insights from his Celestine series:

● Noticing Synchronicity
● The World has a “Spiritual Design”
● “Giving” The Karmic Design
● Human Control Dramas
● The Spiritual Connection
● Sensing A Life Mission
● Following Intuition
● Giving Energy Increases Synchronistic Experiences
● Fulfilling Human Destiny
● Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
● The Power of Prayer
● The Sensation of God’s Presence Inside Us

James RedfieldBio: James Redfield, author of the NY Times BestSeller The Celestine Prophecy says something beautiful is happening. “The world is moving from receiving spiritual insights to living in the Consciousness of our lives.” In a effort to help a world gripped by hate and corruption on all sides, a growing wave of Consciousness is sweeping the planet — as multi-generations are again reading and passing The Celestine Prophecy to others. James is currently on The Celestine Prophecy Inspiration Tour. Book:

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