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Founder of Turn Grease into Fuel, 15yr.old Cassandra Lin joins Host Deborah Beauvais on the Kids 4 Love Project & Radio Show at 2pmEST Saturday July 5th, they are joined by Angel Practitioner Lora Cheadle…Dreamvisions 7 Radio listening info below

Kids-June_2013_0309Co-Host Cassandra Lin
TGIF! Turn Grease into Fuel
In 2008, when I was a mere 5th grade student, I came across the increasingly devastating issue of climate change. I found out that the main cause of this global problem was human consumption of fossil fuels. We were burning so much coal and oil that our world was, and is, literally heating up. Of course, as a young girl in this big world, I was absolutely horrified. After further research, I discovered that the consequences of climate change were huge – melting ice caps resulting in rising sea levels, countless species such as polar bears forced into extinction. But what did this mean for me? I live in a small coastal town in RI called Westerly, five minutes away from the ocean. If global warming was allowed to continue at its current rate, parts of my own town and many other regions could be eventually submerged underwater! Well, that decided it. I promised myself that I would
do everything in my power to try and stop this rising problem.
My next step was to rally my classmates to action. I got together with a group of my friends and we formed a community service team dedicated to helping the community and environment at the same time. We called ourselves the Jr. WIN (Westerly Innovations Network) Team, a name modeled after the original community service team initiated by my older brother. We sat down at a round table, figuring out what we wished to accomplish.
What could we, eight ten-year-olds, do to help solve this issue? We already knew that global warming could be slowed down by replacing fossil fuels with alternative energies, such as biodiesel. Following this, we visited the Energy Solutions Expo at the University of RI, where we found that biodiesel could be produced from waste cooking oil. But what finally brought us to a revelation was an article in the local paper. The article was about a local charity in our area called the WARM (Westerly Area Rest and Meals) Center, which had initiated a campaign titled “One Dollar Makes A Difference”, in which residents donated $1 each week to go towards emergency heating assistance….learn more here: and

Our Practitioner: Lora Cheadle

Through guided visualization and discussion, Lora shows kids that even though they are kids, who still have to do what their parents or teachers ask them to do, they are the only ones who are in charge of themselves.  Nobody controls the way they think.  Nobody chooses how they feel and nobody controls how they react to what’s going on in their lives.  Lora teaches kids the ability to step outside of their own minds for a moment and look at themselves and their situation from a point in the future.  The kids decide how they want their situation to turn out, and they consciously choose the behavior and feelings that lead to this desired outcome
Lora is an AFAA certified Personal Trainer, Group Exercise and Yoga instructor. She’s a certified FlirtyGirl Dance Instructor and teaches many different forms of group exercise, virtually guaranteeing a workout that you will love.
She is really able to work magic in her clients’ minds through hypnotherapy, which aligns the conscious desires of the mind with the often out-of-alignment unconscious minds, thus removing mental blocks and clearing obstacles. She was awarded her Certified Hypnotherapist Designation, with Honors, from the Hypnosis Motivational Institute in California in 2008.
Although she grew up being very intuitive and spiritual, in 2010 she had the honor of attending one of Dr. Doreen Virtue’s last life ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER® certification courses. Through this she was able to expand her gifts and intentionally channel the spirit realm, whether through angels, guides, or deceased loved ones. Learn more here or

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Station-Boston & Worldwide
Dreamvisions 7 Radio at 1510am WUFC Boston
Kids 4 Love Project & Radio Show with Deborah Beauvais
July 5th Saturday at 2pmEST/12pmMT
Worldwide Listen Live link:
Callers toll free 866-338-9663 or 617-237-1234

Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network syndicated
July 9th 4pm & 4amEST/2pm & 2amMT
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