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07-05-21 Non-toxic Personal Care Choices for Clean Water

Guest Beth Newberry, Diamond Ambassador, Pure Haven

Wearing sunscreen or bug repellent is a daily part of many people’s skincare routines, especially during the summer months. Few people stop to think about how the chemical ingredients used in making the product might adversely affect their body, as the substances are absorbed in through the skin. Fewer still think about whether the use of sunscreen or bug repellent may adversely affect on the world around us. Researchers have recently found that chemicals in common sunscreens pose a threat to marine life. The chemicals wash off bathers into lakes, rivers and oceans, and they actually contribute to pollution. The state of Hawaii has banned four sunscreen chemical ingredients which were found to accumulate in the tissue of the coral, causing coral bleaching and damaging DNA. Corals are keystone species, meaning they provide an essential function to other species within their marine ecosystems. This is a hint of what lies further down the rabbit hole.

Beth NewberryGuest expert Beth Newberry is a Diamond Ambassador for Pure Haven, a Rhode Island-based company formulating and marketing safe personal care products. Beth started her foray into non-toxic living 11 years ago when her middle son, Liam was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome. She began reading labels on her products and researching the ingredients. That’s when she realized that many conventional products contain neurotoxins. This drove her passion to educate others on the same topic, and she began supporting more families with switching out to non-toxic alternatives, including soap, shampoo, skincare, household cleaning and more. Beth now supports a team of over 2,200 consultants nationally with Pure Haven, who do about $400,000 in sales of non-toxic products per month.

Take action by joining the radio hour’s Pure Haven shopping party fundraiser. This party will support The Empowerment Factory’s environmental education art programs. It will also build awareness and education with regards to leading a non-toxic, more eco-friendly lifestyle. 25% of retail sales will be given to the non-profit and participants will be entered into a drawing to receive free product. Then spread the word… $25 will be awarded for each person who books and holds their own gathering before the end of July and $25 for each person who signs on as a wholesale buyer/consultant. Go to Set up an account. Shop the online store. Enter the party ID 287433. Place your order.


Non-toxic shopping party (ID 287433) –

Pure Haven list of ingredients to avoid –

Environmental Working Group (EWG) consumer guides –

Article “The trouble with ingredients in sunscreens” –

Article “Does your sunscreen check these fives boxes?” –

Story Walking Photo Blog: “Down the Rabbit Hole…” –

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