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As we journey through this school called Earth, we find our awakened self eager to learn more, to know everything so we can be free and have the peace within we yearn for. But are we ever completely free? I’ve found one can only be as free as what one holds in their thoughts and heart. When adversity shows up in a multitude of ways we may wonder if we’re on the correct conscious path. What one finds is living a conscious life guarantees a continuum of human evolution. Being conscious feeds our evolution. We learn to expand our ability to connect with our inner gifts… to see messages within the challenges and to recognize the beauty in what has been offered… sacred wisdom is always the gift. As we embrace our Higher Source and bring Creator into our waking hours we find there is much to be in gratitude for…the warm blanket wrapped around us, the fresh meal, oil in the furnace, and new ideas to build a better company or product. We live wiser and from a place of compassion, turning previous judgment into love for others.

Walking with our God Source doesn’t mean we have all the answers, what it means is we live through our soul in trust that our way of living coupled with our actions are for the Highest good for all.

Let’s Bring Thanksgiving into our daily lives!

“I Am the Presence Walking in the Radiance of Love”
Deborah Beauvais, Founder/Owner
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network
Empowered Connections & The Love By Intuition Show

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