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Love by Intuition Archives with Deborah Beauvais

The Last Best Cure

01-18-14  Topic: The Last Best Cure “a genuine page-turning science/non-fiction thriller;” a book that will not only “change lives; it may even save some.” Donna Jackson Nakazawa is an award-winning science journalist and public speaker. In her newest book, The Last...

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But The Heavens Never Cried

01-11-14  Topic: But The Heavens Never Cried is a true story that captures the essence of paradoxical emotions and the harrowing spectrum of changes during the grieving process. It is touching and purposeful,helping to reclaim a very deep and loving connection to...

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Nurturing Healing Love

12-21-13 Topic: Nurturing Healing Love Scarlett Lewis, mother of Jesse Lewis and founder of  The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation and new activist for peace. She graduated from Boston University with a B.S. in Communications in 1990. She began her career at the...

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Healing Environment The Conscious Creation of Health

12-14-13  Topic: Healing EnvironmentThe Conscious Creation of Health The 5 areas of life that are important in boosting the body's innate healing ability.  1. Holistic nutrition 2.  Creative movement 3.  Right thinking 4. Spiritual/energetic considerations  5. Stress...

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Have You Ever Wondered What Your Animals are Thinking?

11-23-13 Have You Ever Wondered What Your Animals are Thinking? Co-Host Heather Green In a special 3-Part Series (airing Nov.23, 2013, Jan.25, & Feb. 22, 2014) In Part I,  “Have you wanted to find a way to communicate and connect with them to improve their health...

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MADE IN THE IMAGE! Co-Host Reverend Dr. Linda Decoff

11-16-13    MADE IN THE IMAGE!  Co-Host Reverend Dr. Linda Decoff Be the Joyous Success you were always meant to be. (Accessing your Divine Patterns of Wholeness, Peace, Power, and Perfection within!) In a special 3-Part Series (airing Sept. 21, Oct. 19, & Nov....

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Manifesting God’s Love in the Family

11-09-13    Topic: Manifesting God’s Love in the Family Author Lisa Hein was raised in a middle class family where her diligent father worked three jobs to support them. Sundays, church and family time were deeply cherished. In her teenage years, Lisa embarked on her...

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Solomon Speaks! On Reconnecting Your Life

Part One Part Two 11-03-13 Solomon Speaks! On Reconnecting Your Life  by Authors Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov A New Perspective on How to Reconnect with, Tap Into, Create, Utilize,Monitor, Manage, and Go with the Flow of the Unlimited, Expansive Power of...

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Secrets of Ancient Sound and Music Revealed

10-26-13  Topic: Secrets of Ancient Sound and Music Revealed - used as vibrational medicine, and for enlightenment and  improving personalities - even growing crops faster! Learn how to use the powerful vibrational modality of sound to enhance your life, practically,...

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Ron Hoggan and Scott Adams

Ron Hoggan, B.A., B.Ed., M.A., Ed. D., was diagnosed with celiac disease in 1994. His subsequent research on the disease and the gluten grains that provoke it has been published in numerous newsletters and journals, and on many websites. Hoggan is a widely respected...

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[plulz_social_like width="350" send="false" font="arial" action="like" layout="standard" faces="false" ] 10-19-13 MADE IN THE IMAGE! Be the Joyous Success you were always meant to be.(Accessing your Divine Patterns of Wholeness, Peace, Power, and Perfection within!)...

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Coloring for Joy

[plulz_social_like width="350" send="false" font="arial" action="like" layout="standard" faces="false" ] 10-12-13 Topic: Coloring for Joy, a New Mandala Coloring Book with a special energy, created by Author and Artist Barbara Evans in collaboration with daughter,...

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Conversations with the Universe

09-28-13 Topic: Conversations with the Universe SIMRAN SINGH – SPEAKER – CATALYST – VISIONARY Simran Singh, Author of Conversations with the Universe~ is a creative visionary, transformational catalyst and ‘Leading Voice for the Journey of the Soul’. Publisher of the...

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Barbara Berger

Barbara Berger has been a seeker all her life. In all her books, Barbara seeks to communicate in modern language her understanding of the science of consciousness and mind – and of ancient spiritual wisdom and principles. All her books are attempts to point out...

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Derek Mills, author of The 10 Second Philosophy®

The 10 Second Philosophy® is changing lives! Find out how and why people are calling Derek "The Standards Guy"  Derek Mills, author of The 10 Second Philosophy® published by Hay House. The son of Jamaican immigrants to the UK, Derek was born in Birmingham in 1965. He...

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Kids Book of the Month: Imagine A World: Full of Wonder, authors Heather Lean, Leigha Huggins

Host Book Corner: SOUL/Life Balance: A Guide to Igniting & Integrating Spiritual Awakenings, author Sam Kabert

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