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11-23-13 Have You Ever Wondered What Your Animals are Thinking? Co-Host Heather Green In a special 3-Part Series (airing Nov.23, 2013, Jan.25, & Feb. 22, 2014)

In Part I,  “Have you wanted to find a way to communicate and connect with them to improve their health and behavior, and your relationship with them?” Heather Green learned early in life that she could sense what the people around her were thinking, feeling, and experiencing. This led her into the healing professions; first a nurse, and later a counselor. But something always seemed to be missing. Then the horses came. And all the pieces fell into place. For the Love of Horses is a book for horse people, animal and nature lovers, healers, counselors, and those on a path of healing and spiritual transformation. Riders will learn how to enhance their partnership with their horses, healers will gain a new view of what it means to be there for their clients, people with wounds they never thought could mend will find hope.

Heather Green uses her intuitive abilities as well as telepathy with her guides and the Angelic Realm to access information and scan a human or animal’s energy field to address your questions. In sessions, Heather works with you or your animal’s Divine Self (the inner spiritual teacher and God spark), the healing power of Earth, Nature Spirits, sacred geometry, light, color, and sound (through her voice), to assist in healing, transformation, and evolution.

Heather has worked in the Healing Arts since 1995, with experience in nursing and counseling humans. She received an RN license and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing in 1998, and was awarded an MA in Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, in May 2007. Heather has also studied and worked in the field of energy healing since 2002, and is a practitioner of Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL), where horses help humans in personal growth and development.Since 1995, from her own personal journey of growth and wellness, and with the influence of the shift in consciousness on Earth, Heather had become inspired to discover and live her soul’s purpose. She had received messages from the horse collective through recurring dreams, visions, and direct guidance. These messages were about the necessity for a greater freedom, dignity, and equality between animals and humans. Since then, Heather’s mission has been to help humans understand, connect with, respect, and love their own species, as well as their animal brothers and sisters. Heather believes animals are teachers for humans, reflecting back to us what we need to see about our relationships, emotions, and behavior patterns. From an empowered stance, the animal kingdom has the ability to role model to us how to coexist and co-create in this world, leading to our reconnection with all of nature, and unity with all living beings.

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