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11-30-13  Topic:  When all else fails, lean into breath, gratitude and most importantly, love

Guest Melissa Santos Casey-A young wife and mother, who had always been healthy, felt hopeful that her future would be robust.  She knew she had so many reasons to live, yet found herself witnessing the final moments of her own life just five hours after the birth of her second child. What had gone so wrong that several hours after holding her newborn son and celebrating his healthy arrival with her husband, caused her to take her last breath during an event such as sudden cardiac arrest?

For three and half hours doctors, nurses and other essential hospital staff members worked tirelessly to revive her lifeless body.  They labored to uncover what horrible thing had happened that would potentially strip two children of a mother who dearly wanted and needed to be there for them.

After rounds of CPR, defibrillation and other interventions, she was stable enough to be moved to a nearby trauma center and placed into a medically induced coma.  It was there where her husband and family were told that she had very little chance of survival.  While they were comforting her, they also began to prepare her for her departure from their physical world….


BIO: Melissa M Casey was raised in a rural New England town and has always had an affinity and connection to the great outdoors.  Her maternal instincts grew exponentially through her love of animals.   She takes great pride in her role as a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and a cheerleader of humanity.

Melissa has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Physical Education. For the past fifteen years, she has worked as a certified personal fitness trainer.  Nationally certified by The American Council on Exercise and The National Council on Strength and Fitness, she independently operates Defining Movements, a small private home-based training studio.  It is there where her passion and creativity is able to soar.   Her approach to training seems to attract clients who are looking to improve their overall quality of life.   Through proper exercise selection, Melissa is able to help her clients achieve a healthy lifestyle, a healthy attitude and shows them how to age on their own terms.

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