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11-16-13    MADE IN THE IMAGE!  Co-Host Reverend Dr. Linda Decoff

Be the Joyous Success you were always meant to be. (Accessing your Divine Patterns of Wholeness, Peace, Power, and Perfection within!)

In a special 3-Part Series (airing Sept. 21, Oct. 19, & Nov. 16, 2013) Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff speaks to us on how to forever heal every issue of the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual planes by aligning with the Highest and the Best in you.

In Part III,  “Miracles & Laws of Divine Manifestation!  Join us for this exciting show, where Dr. Linda will illumine the Divine process for manifesting your good, and how to access your unlimited Source and capacity every moment, curing delay, denial and frustration and moving up to.

Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff is the founder and head minister of New Thought International, Inc.and the New Thought Institute of New York. As a Religious Science International practitioner and certified ministerial graduate, De Coff received her doctorate of divinity at the United Nations 50th anniversary celebration. She has authored several books, including Divine Prosperity: Secrets to the Kingdom, Living the Miracle Consciousness and Songs of Eternity: Contemplations, Meditation’s, & Treatments on the Word of God! In her “other life,” De Coff made her debut as as a noteworthy Broadway, TV and film actress in leading roles, working alongside the like of Rex Harrison, Christopher Lloyd and Danny DeVito. For more information

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