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Look for the Good with Carrie Rowan08-01-22 Gratitude and The Creativity Catalyst with Lisa Tener

In Episode #2 of Look for the Good, Carrie opens the show with a lively discussion about gratitude. We all feel grateful for things in life sometimes, right so what’s the big deal? Is gratitude really that powerful that it can change my mind?  Stay tuned as Carrie answers these questions and describes the difference between feeling grateful when good things happen versus the art of practicing gratitude. She will also end this segment of the show with a short and sweet centering meditation that you can use anywhere, anytime you need to feel better and raise your vibration during the day.

The second half of the show features a special guest Lisa Tener, fondly known as The Creativity Catalyst. Lisa is a revered Book Coach, Publishing Expert, Speaker and an Award-winning Author. We will be talking about her new book The Joy of Writing Journal: Spark Your Creativity in 8 Minutes a Day and how intentionally activating your creativity through writing, can bring more joy to your daily life. Stay tuned as Carrie and Lisa share some of the personal stories they used to tell themselves that got in the way of living with appreciation and joy.

Find out what tips and tools they used to rewrite those negative stories, and how they changed their perspectives to find the good in events that they wished never happened to them.

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