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05-26-12 Leigh Ann Phillips is an award-winning singer songwriter, sound healing practitioner, lecturer, and teacher. She is on a mission to merge sound and music to assist people in leading more fulfilling lives in healthier bodies. Her work is taking her all over the world and back again – to her nest in the San Luis Valley of south central Colorado. Through her sound healing work, Leigh Ann began to travel around the Southwest, then across the USA.

Leigh Ann has developed a method of shifting and slowing the brain states, allowing people to not just relax but release emotional blocks that are allowing dis-ease in the body. Her method incorporates the crystal singing bowls, harp, tingshaws, tuning forks, herbal medicine, piano and her voice. She also uses the crystal bowls as percussion instruments, allowing the vibration of sound to run even deeper throughout the body.

Leigh Ann Phillips is now the Executive Director of The Shimmering Sounds Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and promoting the benefits of sound and vibrational healing, and the advancement of this healing modality in the field complimentary and alternative medicine. All donations are fully tax deductible, as the foundation has a 501c3 sponsoring relationship with The Folk Alliance! The purposes of The Shimmering Sounds.

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