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Jenna Moniz01-11-24 Jenna Moniz, Education Program Specialist for the HeartMath Institute

Scarlett interviews Jenna Moniz, education program specialist for the HeartMath Institute. They discuss the power the heart has to influence all organs in the body based on your thoughts and emotions. Every bodily system syncs with the heart. Using scientific measurements of heart rate variability, the time intervals between heartbeats. High HRV is a result of anxiety, stress and anger and leads to depression, health issues and higher risk of death. High HRV is a result of love and appreciation and results in enhanced well-being, performance, cognition, sleep, your body’s ability to relax and recover, resilience, flexibility and adaptability. The goal is heart coherence and order, harmony and stability where your nervous system is synchronized and your bodily systems optimized.  Your brain’s function improves with heart coherence and enables you to access the intelligence of the heart that includes higher level thinking and problem solving capabilities. Using the Choose Love formula and changing angry thoughts to loving ones increases HRV and adds to coherence. Your level of coherence can impact those around you bringing peace, or chaos. Learn how to find coherence in this podcast and maximize your potential as well as your students’ potential.

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