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12-06-15   HOW CAN WE HELP YOU NOW? Specific guidance, deep support and personal navigational tools for your inner & outer path.

Join host Deborah Beauvais and guest Spiritual Embodiment Coach & Trainer Ambujam Rose, for an hour chalk full of specific guidance, teachings and healing for YOUR current life-themes. We’ll start the show with Ambujam tuning in to the in common life-themes of the audience for direct teachings, guidance and healing.

Ambujam will assist you on your path of self-realization, awakening and embodiment. She will also talk about the relevant energetic changes and inner & outer growth opportunities happening at this time.

Ambujam is known for her direct, no-nonsense approach and for quickly digging deep through the emotional and mental surface of things to help you feel the truth within you.

Ambujam is a Self Embodiment Coach & Trainer. She sees where you on the path and helps you stay on the path. She’s direct, asks the hard questions and challenges you to turn on, cross the big scary thresholds and be who you are. Her unique gifts teach you to feel and find the truth for yourself and live that truth throughout all aspects of your life.

Since two years old, Ambujam has seen our path of growth and evolution in microscopic detail. She sees your significant past-life experiences and karmic histories that are still energizing & motivating your life today. She teaches you ‘root cause awareness’ so you can reclaim your power of self responsibility and true choice. Ambujam sees the complexities of how you’re awakening and helps you navigate your journey back to the true self.

Ambujam’s Group Power Healing™ works with the power of self-responsibility and intention. The group’s combined true intention to know and heal themselves amplifies healing energies and expands your personal capacity to awaken and change. The graceful opportunities to resolve personal and world karma occurs. The group’s healing manifests outward, rippling throughout humanity, the earth and existence everywhere.

Ambujam resides with her husband Michael in the beautiful Bozeman, Montana. She has been helping people throughout the world for over 22 years. Her dedication to embodying her own path and true self continuously creates her work to meet the evolutionary healing needs of humanity. She works with groups, individuals, couples, businesses, families, teens, children and animals.

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