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03-03-20 Heal: Discover Your Unlimited Potential and Awaken the Powerful Healer Within, author Kelly Noonan Gores

Kelly Noonan is the writer, director, and producer of HEAL, a documentary feature about the mind-body connection and our body’s innate ability to heal. A Los Angeles native, she grew up in front of the camera acting on and off in commercials, TV, and film from the age of 7. In 2012 she started Elevative Entertainment with the intention to create conscious media that informs, inspires, and empowers. She has a passion for psychology, wellness, and spirituality and an insatiable appetite for understanding consciousness. As such, she has spent the last 18 years studying the teachings of luminaries like Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Ernest Holmes, Wayne Dyer, Michael Beckwith and many more. Her passion for optimal wellness intensified after reading The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, PhD and learning that we are not victims of our genes like we have been led to believe. It was around that time in 2008 that she felt a strong calling to do a film about the power and possibility of the mind-body connection. 8 years and many hours of research later, HEAL was made. Her intention with the documentary is to empower people to take control of their health back and demonstrate that almost anything is possible if we believe it is so. Kelly is a seeker, a meditator, and enjoys traveling, sports, reading and writing.

Heal: Discover Your Unlimited Potential and Awaken the Powerful Healer Within, author Kelly Noonan GoresHeal: Discover Your Unlimited Potential and Awaken the Powerful Healer Within

Go on a fascinating scientific and spiritual journey in this eye-opening book that explores the body’s incredible ability to heal itself – perfect for fans of Deepak Chopra and Anita Moorjani.

When we receive diagnoses from medical professionals, we are often so overwhelmed that we give up authority over our own health and wellbeing. But the truth is, we have more control over our health and life that we have been led to believe, and that belief is at the core of our body’s capacity to heal itself.

Based on the groundbreaking documentary of the same name, director Kelly Noonan Gores follows two people on their healing journeys, while combining science-backed research and real-world testimonials from experts like Marianne Williamson, Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, Bernie Siegel, Anita Moorgani, Kelly Brogan, and many others, to offer hope and alternative treatments for the many people suffering from a variety of chronic illnesses. By identifying the emotional roots of illnesses, we can tap into the body’s healing powers and discover that although healing can be complex and deeply personal, it can also happen spontaneously in a moment.

Heal shows us that science and spirituality are united and demonstrates that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our overall health and the ability to recover from illness and injury.

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