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08-09-14   Topic: Gratitude For The Smallest Thing~The Journey to Understanding the Sacredness of Money

Deborah Tells All!! 

Author Barbara Berger interviews Deborah Beauvais

Life is a journey that offers lessons to build layers of wisdom, to grow our souls. When we embrace what is presented and see the gift… we soar…but many times we need to surrender everything including self to reach that plateau. Deborah Beauvais, owner of Dreamvisions 7 Radio will share what she learned through her experience of going hungry and almost losing her home. She received a plethora of messages that led her to change her belief systems, thoughts and actions. Through Surrender, Trust and the deepest deepest Gratitude, she realized money is a sacred exchange. Honor money and it will expand.

Our Interviewer: Barbara Berger has been a seeker all her life – and all Barbara’s books are based on her life work which has always been to try to find a way out of suffering. Her quest to ease suffering has led Barbara to explore many different pathways and approaches – mental, physical, metaphysical, psychological and spiritual. After leaving the US in the mid-60s in protest against the Vietnam War and settling in Scandinavia, Barbara continued her quest in the 1970s with a passionate interest in the role of food in our mental and physical well-being. When she discovered in the early 1980s that health foods and diet were not enough to ensure true wellbeing, she began to study the science of the mind, the nature of consciousness, metaphysics, and finally traditional spirituality and psychology. To date, Barbara has written 15 self-empowerment books documenting and presenting the tools and insights she has discovered over the years on her quest. Her books include the international bestseller The Road to Power / Fast Food for the Soul (30 languages) and Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life (15 languages). Born in the US, Barbara lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The Guest: Deborah Beauvais is the Founder/Owner Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network, a Holistic Boston based Internet Radio Station as well as Empowered Connections both created out of love with a vision to consciously serve humanity. Deborah mentors souls to go within to identify their own individual Light, to find unconditional love for self and others. She is an intuitive, healer and facilitator of Light as a Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™ Practitioner trained by Dr. Eric Pearl. Deborah is founder of Kids 4 Love Project, an enrichment program for Schools and Wellness Centers, and Kids 4 Love Project Radio Show~ celebrating kids making a difference. Hosting her syndicated radio show Love By Intuition since 2004, Deborah feels the time is now for humanity to focus on healing our planet through self-love, compassion and serving others.

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