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Global Sadness~ A Call for Change

With another horrific tragedy and this time in Connecticut with all those small precious children, let us ask ourselves how can we evolve from a race that kills each other to a race that radiates love for all humankind? And do so in every part of our lives on a daily basis. What kind of earth have we created? Are we so numb with our own pain, so focused on all that we don’t like about ourselves that we have become complacent to violence?

Let us start by asking ourselves if we are contributing to the hate with our own thoughts. When we judge others we create separation and in essence we are judging ourselves. We need to ask if our hate and anger stems from feeling unworthy of self love. The message from thousands of years ago has always been simple: love is all there is.

Each one of us is a key component in this tapestry of life. Everything we think, say or do has a ripple effect throughout the universe. What kind of movies, television or videos are we creating? Do they feed into hatred or are they making a difference in raising awareness for a kinder way of living? What are we absorbing? Are we teaching our children reverence for life?

Have we created our businesses from a place of giving for the Highest Good of All or are we contributing to hatred and separation by taking all that we can for ourselves? How many luxury items does one really need? Do we buy everything presented to feel more valuable as a society? Is big business more important than life? When we’re on our deathbed are we thinking of what we accomplished in the corporate world? No, we’re thinking of our families, our memories and what we did to make a difference in the world.

Evolution is a journey. I trust we are ready to finally make a change within ourselves that betters humanity by coming together as a species in compassion and love. Offering help to those in need. Let us wake up and choose the kinder way of living, not for just this moment but for eternity. Let us find solutions that work for all and not just for the few. Let these solutions come from a place of love and not fear or greed. It is our responsibility to our God Source and for future generations on this planet to live in harmonious love. Why would we choose anything less?

Deborah Beauvais
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network

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